008 | I Can Teach You

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t h i r d
p e r s o n .

"Fucker," Lisa threw a punch at the punching bag in front of her. "Why did I ever like that guy? He's such a jerk!" she pondered, her jaws clenching as she punched the punching bag even harder.

She paused a bit, taking her boxing gloves off to drink a bit of water. Her butt fell on the floor as she simply watched the punching bag swaying before her. She decided to work out today, which their manager fortunately approved.

Lisa had to be certain that she'd leave that golden maknae with his jaws hanging at how much she's good at performing, and of course, by her visuals too. Her members had other things to do. Jennie went shopping to buy new clothes for them, and she forcefully dragged Jisoo along.

Chaeyoung had to go grocery shopping since they were out of stock in their dorm. But Lisa clearly remembered how their fridge was still full of treats, maybe Chaeyoung just wants some extra food.

The door suddenly swung open, Lisa's head turned in an instant. A worker's eyes then widened, quickly apologising. "I'm sorry, I thought this room was available."

"Oh," Lisa stood up, grabbing her yellow jug. "It's alright. Is someone supposed to work out here?" she politely asked.

How the worker blushed was noticeable, but Lisa decided to ignore it for now. She just smiled at him, awaiting for his response. "A-ah, yes. But carry on, I'm sorry."

Lisa peeked outside, not moving from her post as she found a figure of a very familiar man. She stanned him for years, now. How can she not recognise him? Jeon Jungkook. Her fists bawled up. What the hell? Don't tell me that this is just pure coincidence.

Their eyes met, just before the worker closed to door. Lisa sighed in disbelief, fixating her gaze onto the punching bag. She fumed, directly hitting her target without any boxing gloves on. She continously did so until she heard the door click.

"You might hurt yourself, doll."

Lisa turned around, not surprised that he actually entered. Of course he would, he'd just tease her again. "Didn't know that you did boxing, aren't you . . ." he leaned on the wall, observing her from head to toe.

"What? Too skinny?" Lisa arched an eyebrow. "Look, sunbaenim. I may be skinny, but I can definitely knock you out."

"You?" Jungkook chuckled, carefully observing her once more. She was sweaty, her hair wet. Her bangs were soaked from perspiring that it sticked to her forehead, but she still managed to rock that off. She was wearing a sports bra and track pants along with plain white rubber shoes.

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