032 | Unexpected

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- J E O N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jungkook was ecstatic to see Lisa today. BTS just got home to Seoul, and Jungkook didn't hesitate to seperate with his hyungs. Well, he didn't want to go home with them. He wanted to see Lisa already.

Jimin, Yoongi and Taehyung insisted on coming with him since they also wanted to see their girls. It wasn't like Jungkook had a choice, though. And so they let them tag along. However, Sejin didn't approve that Yoongi should go too, remembering that he had to rest since he had to meet up with Suran for a collab.

And so, the maknae line set off to BLACKPINK's dorm. They pulled up in front, and Jimin decided to call Chaeyoung first. "Babe?"

"Babe, gosh, I miss you." Jimin smiled, pushing his hair back as he peeked at their dorm. "Where are you?"

"As usual, in the dungeon." Chaeyoung giggled. "Shouldn't I be asking, though? Where are you?"

"How about you play as Juliet and--"

"Babe," Chaeyoung inhaled, "you do know how Romeo and Juliet ended, right--?""

Jimin groaned. "Yes, I know. Can you like, let it slide? I was trying to be romantic, ya know." Taehyung nudged Jimin, signalling him to cut off with the flirting already. "Anyway, peek at your window."

"W-what? Don't tell me--" Chaeyoung peeked at the window, almost jumping up and down upon eyeing their car. Jimin put his window down and winked at his girlfriend-to-be.

Chaeyoung immediately hung up, and Jimin already got the message. The boys weren't really worried if Dispatch caught them, considering that Dispatch and BigHit have a contract. And it won't expire until 2019.

The three exited the car, and brought their gifts out. They patiently waited outside the door until someone opens it, and as expected, Chaeyoung did.

"Babe!" Chaeyoung jumped, immediately hugging Jimin.

Jimin kissed her forehead and hugged her back. Jungkook cleared his throat, cutting the scene that the two were making. "Why don't you let us in and you two make out in your room, yeah?"

Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at the coconut-head, hitting him on his shoulder. Jungkook just chuckled, thinking how he's gotten used to Lisa's strength whenever she hit him.

Chaeyoung let the three men in. "Girls! The annoying maknae line's here!" she chimed, announcing it out loud. She helped Jimin out with the gifts he was carrying, gently placing them on the table.

The first one to come out of the room was Jisoo, and boy, was she disappointed. "Yoongi oppa's not here again?" She pouted, trying to smile at the maknae line.

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