086 | It's Not Working

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— J E O N   &   M A N O B A N —t h i r dp e r s o n

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— J E O N   &   M A N O B A N —
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

“Priya,” Jungkook called her, running after her. Lisa kept walking straight until she reached Jungkook's car.

    The female leaned her back onto his car, awaiting for him to catch up. She looked away, her arms crossed.

    Jungkook panted a bit, resting his hand onto his car once he finally caught up. “What's the matter this time?” He seemed restless.

    There they go again — fighting.

    They were both exhausted because of the awards show. And now, this. Jungkook and Lisa were tremendously tired of all the skirmishes and misunderstandings. They just want it to stop.

    “Hey,” Jungkook called her once more. “Lisa, how are we going to resolve this if we're not going to talk about it?”

    They've just reconciled from a misunderstanding about Yeri, and now this? They're back to those days once again — but this time, with an official label.

    Lisa sighed, still not daring to peer her eyes over him. “Let's just go home, Jungkook. We're both tired,” her words turned into a mumble.

    “No,” Jungkook sternly told her. “I can't take us being like this anymore. There's clearly something wrong, can you at least tell me what it is?”

    “Oh my god, Jungkook. Are you serious right now?” Lisa pierced her eyes towards him, finding him unbelievable. “The reason is solely obvious! How can you not know?”

    “Well I'm sorry, I'm an oblivious person,” Jungkook made a sarcastic counterattack. “I don't do guessing games. Just tell me what's on your mind.”

    “How can you not know me by now?” Lisa's eyebrows started to knit together, not being able to comprehend on how or why he didn't know the reason why she was acting like that. “It's been two fucking years that we've known each other, how can you not at least have a clue on why I'm acting like this?”

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