004 | Off To Check On My Crush

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f i r s t
p e r s o n .

"And where are you heading to?" Jennie unnie asked me. I was trying my best to sneak out of our dressing room, but I guess I was just too obvious.

Jisoo unnie and Chaeng's attention quickly averted to me. Soon enough, I found myself being the center of attention in our whole dressing room-along with our stylists of course. "Uh? To to the restroom?"

Jennie unnie arched an eyebrow at me, obviously not buying it. Well, I was a bad liar. Even I wouldn't buy it. "Fine," I huffed a heavy sigh. I knew that they were going to tease me for this. "I was going to take a peek at the stage . . . for all we know, BTS might already performing . . ." I mumbled the last part.

Jisoo unnie started to cheekily smile at me. "Our royal maknae's all grown up! Look at her! I can't believe that she's actually going to check on Jungkook!"

My eyes widened in a millisecond, quickly looking around, and gulping at the sight of our stylists. I quickly shook my head, denying it. "I don't know what you're saying, unnie. I meant Bangtan, not Jungkook sunbae-"

Chaeyoung started to play along even I know she knew about how I was denying it since our stylists were there. She wrapped an arm around my waist and smiled at me. "Lalisa! You should've just told us that you were going to check on your crush!"

I gulped, shaking my hands. "No, I was just going to-"

"Lisa likes Jungkook, Lisa likes Jungkook!" Jennie unnie mocked, causing me to face palm. But of course, they'll definitely take this chance to tease the hell out of me.

They'd always be my victim whenever I tease them. Usually, the couldn't do a thing since I was stronger than them, even if I'm skinny.

The girls winked at me, and I swear, I've never seen anything more synchronised. Their winks were more synchronised than us, ourselves!

I glanced at our stylists, only to see them giggling. Ugh. Looks like I have another few people to tease me whenever BTS is around. Note to self: never tell your unnies about your next crush ever again. If I ever have one, that is.

The girls stood up, preparing themselves. "What are you girls-?"

"Unnie, we'll just go backstage. We'll return here shortly," Jennie unnie excused us. The stylists obviously wanted to stop us, but unnie quickly pushed us to just exit the dressing room.

We were there, backstage. I started to peek and look around if there were any signs of Bangtan, sadly there weren't which made me frown a bit.

"Babe!" someone called. The four of us turned our heads just to see a familiar man chuckling at us. "Wow, I have a lot of babes, huh? Surely I'm loyal to just one?"

My eyes widened, grinning in an instant. I rushed towards him and hugged him real tight. "Babe, I missed you!" I told him. He hugged me tighter and kissed my cheek.

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