066 | Just Another Chapter

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A/N : Because it's lachimolala's birthday.

A/N : Because it's lachimolala's birthday

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- P A R K , J -
f i r s t
p e r s o n

This is exactly the reason why I've wanted to just go to Chaeyoung right now. Certainly, she and I have a lot of things to talk about right now, considering that this is the first time we're going to meet after the whole breakup.

Dear Lord, I am very thankful of Alice noona's existence.

So, about that reason, it's this--

"I believe they're taking too long, yeah?" Taehyung looked around, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You don't say," Jungkook grunted, clenching his fists and pounded his right knuckle onto the wall besides him, already ready to charge.

Hoseok hyung patiently waited at the corner, leaning on the wall. It came as a surprise how he suddenly calmed down from the situation.

Glancing at Namjoon hyung, seeing how worry etched across his face, I knew that he and I were thinking the same thing. The boys could possibly murder those two MCs.

We need a good lawyer.

"Can we do this some other time? I'm kinda in a rush--" I tried to find a reason to stop them (but the reason I stated was true, anyway).

"Wait up, I hear some people approaching," Jungkook announced.

This is not good.

Chaeyoung would murder me if ever she finds out that I've gotten myself into a fight. "U-uh, Kookie? Rain check on that funeral service I asked you to recommend to me?"

Jungkook ignored me, seemingly focused on whoever the two people they overheard were. "Okay. That's it, fellas," Yoongi hyung spoke up, realising that the two MCs were exiting the building.

My eyes peered over Hoseok hyung, just to find a sinister smirk etched across his lips. His somewhat dark aura made my spine chill for a moment. This seriously can't be good.


"Who even fucking told you to fucking kick that asshole's fucking balls?!" I overheard Jennie roar over Taehyung, whilst putting the icebag onto his cheek.

After all the chaos we've been through, we magically ended up in BLACKPINK's dorm. The girls were over-the-top furious, of course.

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