106 | Taking Over Coachella PT. 1

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— J E O N —
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

The plan was rather simple.

Since we're heading to America, Jimin hyung and I will head there first so we could watch the girls perform.

Oh, how simple it is, indeed.

However, when we were already at the airport, some certain guards blocked our way.

Thanks to the new CEO of YG Entertainment, Jimin hyung and I are here in his dorm, sulking.

Jimin hyung and Chaeyoung weren't in good terms for two days now. Why? You see, Chaeyoung snapped at him for being too jealous over Jihyun and Chanyeol when there's nothing going on between them.

How can you blame Jimin hyung, anyway? I mean, not that I'm siding with him, but Chaeyoung seems too close with the gents.

And besides, he's been suppressing this for quite some time now. Of course, there has to be a moment whereon he'd burst.

What's scary here is — that wasn't all. Jimin hyung told us about this facade he's been putting up, just to become the perfect boyfriend for Chaeyoung.

Oh, but no relationship is perfect. Because a perfect relationship isn't real, and a real relationship isn't perfect.

So yes, he's been suppressing quite a lot from Chaeyoung, and we advised him to tell her. He said he would, but he never did. What if he does one day? What will ever happen to them?

Anyway, Jimin hyung handed me my tub of ice cream and we sighed together. “Today's the day that they're going to perform at Coachella,” I said out loud.

He opened his ice cream, “You tell me. Must you remind that, though?” he heaved an exasperated exhale.

“How's Namjoon hyung and Jisoo noona going, by the way?” I asked, wanting a new topic because we could nearly succumb into sadness at this state.

“What do you mean by Namjoon hyung and Jisoo noona?” Jimin hyung looked at me, a bit confused.

I, too, became confused at whatever he's saying. It made me question my own question, as if I asked something wrong. “What? Aren't they like . . . okay?”

“They're okay, but not like, together okay,” Jimin hyung told me. “Tae slipped up once, telling me on how he overheard Namjoon hyung and Jisoo talking inside their dorm. Then, hyung rejected Jisoo.”

My eyes widened, not seeing that coming. “Do you think the girls know?” I asked, and he calmly shook his head.

“If so, then Chaeyoung would've told me already,” Jimin said, but soon paused, burying his face into the throw pillow. “Ah! I remember Coachella once again!”

Just then, my phone began to ring. Seeing that Lisa was calling, I immediately picked it up. “Hey, doll?”

You see, the girls were clueless that Jimin hyung and I planned to fly all the way to America ahead of time for them. C'mon, we were trying to live our fanboy lives.

“Jungle Book! It's so fun here! I'm here with Chaeng, we're roaming around backstage, hehe,” Lisa chimed. Since I figured that the conversation was harmless, I decided to put it on loud speaker. Jimin hyung badly wanted to hear Chaeyoung's voice, too.

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