014 | The Usual Spot

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f i r s tp e r s o n

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f i r s t
p e r s o n .

Yes, it's 2017. And tomorrow, we'll be celebrating Jisoo unnie's birthday. Ever since that date of Jungkook and I, we've been more close than usual. We're best friends now, I guess?

I dialled Jungkook's number. Well, it was time for his weekly quiz. Yes, I've still been teaching him.

"Hello there, doll," he greeted me in perfect English, which made my brows automatically rise up.

"Woah, your pronunciation's been improving, I gotta give you a merit for that," I commended, causing him to chuckle. "That doesn't mean that I'll let you slide for today. I'll begin talking in English, okay?"

I giggled once I heard him groan from the other line, I requested a video call just to make sure that he wasn't cheating by using a human translator (a.k.a. Namjoon oppa) just like last time.

"So, how have you been doing?" I began like I usually do.

"Uh . . . only me?" he asked in English, and I nodded. "Me . . . me? Wow, uhm, I've been doing uh . . . very good. Yeah. You?"

"Great, as usual. Can you tell me about how you celebrated New Year?"

Jungkook scratched his nape, thinking very hard. "You celebrated with I, why do you--"

"Celebrated with me," I quickly corrected.

"Yes, celebrated with me," he rephrased. "Why do you have to uh . . . ask about eet?"

"Can you not emphasise it that much, Kook? Just say 'it', not 'eet', cause it kinda sounds like 'eat'."

He nodded, acknowledging my words. That was one of the things that I admired about him, he was eager to learn, and he doesn't get all grumpy when someone corrects him.

"Of course I have to, I wanna recall our memories yesterday. What did we do?"

He began to think once again, and I couldn't help but find him cute even if his head was close to exploding. "We . . . went together . . . with our members and had a drink?"

"Mhm, that's cool, yes. Do you have any plans today?"

"I don't," Jungkook answered.

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