043 | I'm Not Yelling

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- J E O N -f i r s tp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since Lisa and I got back to Seoul, it's been two weeks since she went to YG, and it's been two weeks since Tae-hyung and her broke up.

At first, I thought Lisa and I would be fine. I thought that after their breakup, Lisa and I can freely express ourselves.

I was wrong.

Two weeks.

It's been two weeks since she last talked to me, and believe me when I tell you that I've been calling her nonstop, sending her several messages everyday, and even tried to visit her.

Unfortunately, I came to her dorm with no avail. Chaeyoung told me that Lisa had a truckload of schedules and offers. All of the sudden? But why?

Why would YG accept a ton of offers for her all of the sudden?

I've been constantly frustrated for the past two weeks, and it's ruining my sanity bit by bit. This whole situation makes me insane, I just need to know what happened.

What did YG tell her?

I went straight into Tae-hyung and Namjoon hyung's dorm, I didn't knock or anything, I just opened the door since I had keys to their dorm.

I walked pass Namjoon hyung who seemed like he was just going to greet me, and immediately eyed Tae-hyung, grabbing him by wrist and immediately pulling him out of the dorm.

"Is there a problem, Kook--?"

"When did you last go to the girls' dorm?"

He thought for a while, "A week ago? Well, not exactly in their dorm, at least at Jennie's window--"

"Was Lisa there?"

He once again thought for a moment, shaking his head. "Now that you've mentioned it, no. For the whole week that I've been consistently visiting, I haven't seen her. Jisoo says Lisa's schedule's jam-packed. Yes, Jimin can't relate."

My hands landed onto my waist, my jaws clenching. As much as I'm aware, they just released their Boombayah Japanese Version MV for their Japan debut showcase, so I perfectly knew that the girls were not in Seoul.

Tokyo, Japan?

Should I go there? Should I escape my management again? I did it before, didn't I?

"Fuck, there you are," Tae-hyung and I turned our heads, just to see Yoongi hyung running towards us.

He halted, placing his hand onto my shoulder to support himself, he panted, catching his breath for a brief minute.

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