051 | Stay With The Jeons PT. 1

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A/N: Wrote this during class hours cause I like the thrill. Believe me, this wasn't an easy task.

- M A N O B A N -f i r s tp e r s o n

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- M A N O B A N -
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

Jungkook and I stared at each other, unsure of who should go first. "Ladies first, I guess?" Jungkook mumbled, rubbing his nape as he avoided eye contact with me.

Apparently, Jungkook and I were tangled in this cliché fiasco whereon his car didn't run, and his mom kept insisting that we stay there for the night.

Who could say no to Mrs. Jeon?

A/N: How could we ever say no to you, Lali? EHEH.

So, I called my unnies and told them about it. As expected, I got some bickers from Jisoo and Jennie unnie. Jisoo unnie actually told Yoongi oppa to pick us up, but Jisoo unnie thought that he might be tired, considering that he and Namjoon oppa have been preparing for their next comeback.

Besides, this is Busan we're talking about. Busan.

"Do you have any uh . . . spare clothes I can borrow? I'm sorry, I'm just not used to sleeping without changing my clothes so--"

"No, no, it's okay, uhm," he shifted his gaze towards his tall cabinet. He approached and opened it, revealing a little compartment inside. "You can check some clothes here."

I nodded, walking towards him. He then moved away to give me some space. So, why are we like this, you ask? What ever happened before this incident, causing us to be this awkward?

Two words.

Jeon Junghyun.

He just popped an obnoxious question before we entered Jungkook's room. What's that question?

"Did you ever have sex?"

I swear, that thought never lingered in my mind. Never. Sex? What the hell--Jungkook and I aren't even an official couple yet! What the fuck!

Of course, I clenched my teeth upon hearing that question, but still politely declined. Jungkook on the other hand, was blushing like crazy.

So here we are.

And I perfectly know what's in his mind right now, thanks to his ever-so-great big brother.

I opened the compartment, my teeth gritting upon seeing the clothes inside. "Jungkook . . ." I mumbled, looking at him.

He snapped his head at me, raising his brows. He seemed flustered whilst biting his bottom lip. Oh, c'mon. "Y-yes, doll?"

"Why do you have condoms in here?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, quickly peeking at the compartment. He gulped, quickly looking at me, seeming to defenf himself already. "T-those are not mine!"

Arching an eyebrow, I calmly nodded. "Okay, sheesh. Just asked why, though."

Is he seriously going to be this tensed?

And how the fuck am I the calm one here?!

I scanned his clothes, a smile forming at the corner of my lips upon seeing a jacket that fitted my taste. I pulled it out, brightly showing it to Jungkook.

"Can I wear this?"

His eyes widened once more. I swear, if I had a nickel for every time he got flustered because of me, I'd have enough money to run my own entertainment company.

He pulled his collar, obviously reluctant about my choice. "And what will y-you partner up with that?"

"Isn't Sydney here already? She mentioned that she has spare shorts--"

"Okay, so you're telling me that you're going to wear that oversized jacket with a picture of a baby on it, pairing it up with shorts, then sleep besides me?"

Well, I don't see any problem with that.

"Lalisa, you're going to wear shorts. Besides a guy. Sleeping besides a guy, rather. Shorts."

I immediately arched an eyebrow, not comprehending his logic. "Well, yeah? What's wrong with that? I mean, you've seen me in shorts a dozen of times--"

"Those times, you were either performing or just hanging out with me in my dorm. But this is a different case, you're sleeping with me wearing sh--fuck, that sounded wrong."

He stroked his fingers through his hair in frustration, and I couldn't help but question why the hell would he even overthink. It's just me!

I face-palmed, ignoring his complaints and setting off to go to wherever Sydney was (since she didn't tag along with us on going here, she arrived rather late) and asked her if I could borrow some spare shorts.

Look, I'm a type who gets fascinated by men's clothing. I mean, I like their style! So yes, I won't ask her for any top. I'm content with the jacket with the baby on it.

I got changed in their bathroom and quietly walked back to Jungkook's room. Once I entered, he was still standing up, gawking at what I was wearing.

"D-doll! I told you--"

Ignoring his bicker, I plopped myself onto his bed and made myself comfortable. "What? Ain't gonna sleep?" I asked him.

He gulped, and he seemed like he scanned me. From head to toe.

"Okay, I've had enough of this. We are not going to have sex tonight, Jeon Jungkook!" I scolded him. "Stop being so dirty minded!"

"Hey! I am not being dirty minded!"

Crossing my arms over my chest, I scoffed. "I don't even get why you'd become that tensed. We've slept with each other for like four or five times already and--"

"YAH! Pranpriya! We have n-never slept with each other yet!"

Face-palming, I have already proved my point. "See? You're doing it again!"

"W-why would I even think of having s-sex with you, anyway?" he asked, pulling the collar of his shirt.

Why would you think of freaking what?!

"Why wouldn't you?" I quipped. "Of course you would! Your brother implanted that thought into your head! Now, I want you to erase that thought. Please, let's just peacefully sleep!"

He seemed reluctant, but he still made his way towards his bed and sat on the edge of it. Rolling my eyes, I pulled his shirt, causing him to lay on his bed.

"L-Lisa! You startled me!" he inveighed.

"Let's just please snuggle, okay? That's it."

He nodded, but I'm sure that he wasn't really okay yet.

Whatever, Jeon. I'm sleepy.

I pulled him close to me, snaking my arms around him as I buried my face onto his neck, smelling his scent. That scent of his is truly my favourite.



"You're not wearing anything underneath that jacket, are you?"



Word Count : 1072 words

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