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— J E O N —

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— J E O N —

f i r s t
p e r s o n .

“Your girlfriend's really making it up to you, Kook.” Jin hyung lent me his phone. There, I saw that he was at Lisa's Instagram account which got my brows furrowing.

    I glared at him, and he quickly took a step back, clenching his fists in defense. “You jealous monk, can you just take a look at her post? The shippers are going bonkers yet again!”

    I did as what I was told, and I couldn't help but smile at how Lisa was constantly becoming indirectly obvious. She posted two pictures of herself, openly wearing our couple ring, which once again caused an uproar to the Liskook community.

    This made me bite my bottom lip, not being able to hold my smile back.

    “You're going to treat me out to dinner tonight, right?” Jin hyung spoke up, interrupting me from my thoughts.

    My eyebrows crashed together as I stared at him, blank. “Huh?”

    He rolled his eyes at me, “Yah, you promised me that you're going to treat me out after I covered for you when you openly flew to Jakarta for Lisa!”

    My mouth stood agape, remembering everything very well. Well, let me say, I love her too much. Maybe some would think of me as a naive fool or whatever, but I love her.

    Did you all really think that I'd ever leave her? Please. Not again.

    Sighing at the sight of a starving Kim Seokjin hyung, I lazily threw his phone back to him which he successfully caught, grabbed my coat besides me and wore it.

    He seemed all giddy, and I know that he'll order a lot tonight, considering that it's my treat. Geez.


Here we are now, eating at this small eatery. We're here abroad again, and Lisa's somewhere in Hong Kong I think. Our time zones are entirely different, so I'm sure that it's already nine in the morning there already or something.

    And so, whilst eating, I decided to bring my phone out to check if she was active.

logged in as jkjeon__

active now

doll? had breakfast?

yes loveee

you? had dinner?

eating with jin hyung

with chaengie

with chaengie

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