084 | Tattoo Shop Opening

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December 12, 2018
Busan, South Korea

— M A N O B A N —t h i r dp e r so n

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— M A N O B A N —
t h i r d
p e r so n .

“Are you sure you're alright with this? I mean, we can head back right now——” Jungkook tried to ask her.

    Lisa turned towards him, calmly shaking her head. “Of course, I am. I think I'm just bummed out about Bambam not riding with us,” she partially told the truth.

    Her mentioning Bambam's name made Jungkook frown. The reason she gave was the half truth. She was definitely upset on how Bambam turned her down, telling her that he'll just go alone rather than — as what he said — third wheel.

    Bambam has never mentioned that he thought himself as a third wheel all this time, and Lisa began to contemplate about it
Why would he feel like he's just an extra between Jungkook and her?

    They're like a golden trio, already. They're all bestfriends!

    The full truth was — Lisa was 50–50 on going. She didn't want to attend Areum's opening for her tattoo shop, but she doesn't want to let Jungkook drive there alone.

    And besides, she misses the Jeons, already.

    “Oh, do you want to call him to know where he is?” Jungkook asked.

    Lisa shook her head, texting something to a certain member of Twice. Luckily, Mina was available. And so, Lisa asked her if she could escort Bambam to Busan, since she didn't want her bestfriend to go alone.

    Good thing Mina agreed.

    Jungkook continued driving ahead, and Lisa just sat there, quiet. “Do you want to stay overnight, then let's drive back tomorrow morning?” Jungkook asked.

    Lisa turned towards him. “Sure, I miss your family as well.”

    Jungkook began to purse his lips. “And that includes . . . ?”

    “I think you haven't introduced me to all your family members, Guk. I've already introduced you to everyone in my family, you know,” Lisa dodged the arising topic of Junghyun getting involved.

    Jungkook's brows furrowed. “Huh? I've introduced you to even my cousin's cousins, I think you already know all of them at this point.”

    Lisa just sighed in disbelief, “If you really want to marry me, then think about that one person that you didn't introduce me to, yet.” Jungkook's lips gaped, about to ask something, but Lisa quickly changed the topic again. “You looked hot at the award show, by the way.”

    Jungkook pursed his lips, growing shy at Lisa's sudden compliment. “You looked extraordinary. You don't know how much I wanted to choke all the men staring at you,” he told her

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