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- M A N O B A N -

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- M A N O B A N -

t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Lisa felt like a child. She opened her mouth, awaiting for the spoon. Yes, Bambam was feeding her . . . like a kid. Lisa fortunately felt a bit better. Bambam suggested to call her unnies, but Lisa said that they're coming back soon, and that she doesn't want to interrupt them.

The moment they'll ever find out that she's sick, they'll come rushing back to their dorm. And she doesn't want to become a burden to them. Besides, she had Bambam.

As Bambam was feeding the blonde, he then paused for a moment, his plan slowly unfolding. "Uh . . . Pokpak?"he called her, quickly grabbing her attention.

Lisa chewed on her food, cuddled in her yellow blanket as she looked at Bambam, her doe eyes can captivate anyone with just one look. Her eyebrows rose up, indicating that he caught her attention.

The male found her cute, being unable to refrain himself and pinched her cheek. "Jungkook talked to me recently, I think he's going to confess soon," Bambam spoiled.

The blonde's eyes immediately widened, her cheeks burning up just by the thought of Jungkook confessing to her. The girls and some members of GOT7 were telling her on how it wae obvious that Jungkook likes her.

"What are your thoughts about him?" Bambam asked, continuing to feed Lisa.

Lisa chewed on her food, and gulped before answering. "You know how much I like him, Bammie. But you see, I'm kinda confused about about Tae oppa. I indirectly told him that I like Jungkook, but he still insisted on liking me."

Bambam halted for a moment, various thoughts swarming in his mind. At first, he was so sure that Jungkook was the one for Lisa, but after hearing that simple sentence of hers, he started to have seconds thoughts.

Lisa was like her sister, and he just wanted the best for her. "Really? What are your thoughts about V hyung, then?"

Lisa clasped her hands together, thinking for a brief second. "He's really nice, and he seems so determined. But you see, I really like Jungkook," she explained. "Nayeon unnie actually joked about this the moment she found out that Tae oppa confessed. She told me that I should have signs? I don't know."

"That's not a bad idea." Bambam shrugged. "But don't get too carried away on believing those signs."

"I just want someone to be there whenever I need him, that's all. You know me, I only ask for help when I really need it."

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