114 | Where Do You Think You're Going?

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— J E O N —

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— J E O N —

t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jungkook was beginning to get straight–up frustrated because of his hyungs. They didn't believe him when he swore that he was with Lisa all night, and that he couldn't be wrong — the soup that 'Bambam had made' was surely her cooking!

    He always recognised her cooking, he never failed to even one bit.

    However, his hyungs thought that he was going crazy and that it was just the effects of missing her too much. And so, they decided to temporarily dismiss it, they're all too caught up in the dinner they're going to have in this fancy restaurant as they would say.

    It's exactly 5PM, and he didn't know why Jin entered his dorm all of the sudden, showing up completely dressed when the dinner was like — three hours away!

    "What are you doing?" Jungkook asked whilst brushing his teeth, his other hand in the pocket of his sweatpants.

    Jin didn't reply and simply checked himself out on the mirror, before proceeding to Jungkook's room. Jungkook hurriedly finished brushing his teeth and immediately rushed towards his room, just to find Jin preparing his suit, already.

    “Uhm, hyung?” Jungkook tried to call him but Jin didn't notice the younger and continued preparing Jungkook's suit.

    “Get dressed, change of plans. We need to leave by 6PM,” Jin curtly said and exited his dorm in a blink of an eye.

    Jungkook pursed his lips, profusely glancing at the suit placed onto his bed, a quick flashback of Lisa when she was fixing his clothes last night — oh, how he wished that it was real.

    He then looked at the time, shrugging. If Jin says they leave at 6PM, then they have to leave at 6PM. Albeit finding it odd on why they had to arrive at the restaurant earlier, he decided to shrug it off.

    He was already trying to put his necktie on, staring at himself through the mirror. Flashbacks of what happened last night displayed in his mind and he couldn't help but close his eyes, groaning at the thought.

    How their eyes met, lips meeting, heat sharing, hands clasping, bodies tumbling, clothes being thrown off to who–knows–where, the giggles, the smiles, the groans, the moans, her scent, her lips, her body——

    He opened his eyes in an instant. His eyes then trailed off to his lower body, cursing at the sight before him. “Fucking hormones,” he cursed and immediately went to the bathroom to fix his problem.


Being in the van with his members, and being sexually frustrated at the same time didn't help him even one bit. If last night really was a dream, then that was the realest dream he's ever had and felt. He felt like he was really touching her, holding her, hearing her.

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