105 | Pranpriya, That Dreaded Name

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— M A N O B A N —t h i r dp e r s o n

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— M A N O B A N
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Lisa woke up by her father, lightly tapping her on her shoulder. She rubbed her eyes, looking up and smiled at him. “Good morning, dad,” she greeted.

    “Good morning, sweetheart. I'm just going to buy some bread for your mother. Please look after her,” he told her.

    Lisa nodded, bidding her dad goodbye.

    Just then, she remembered that she didn't get to bid goodbye and say I love you to Jungkook last night err — earlier today.

active 3 hours ago

My loveee, good morning

Thank you for the song, btw. I love it.

And yes, I know that you personally
wrote that

It's Decalcomania right?

Text me if you've already seen this

I love youuu!

    Lisa gave a small and content smile, turning her phone off and scooted towards her sleeping mother. She sat besides her, stroking her mother's hair.

    Apparently, today was the day. She was going to confront Lean, once and for all.

    She once again glanced at her mom, a lopsided smile forming on her lips. “Doing this all for you. Please get well,” Lisa mumbled, kissing her mother's forehead.


active now

I swear, I still cannot believe itsjsksj

well you outta tell me

Twice are congratulating ussss!

yg's new ceo
so as red velvet hehehehehehe

unnieeees, tzuyu's asking us when we'll
be free

so as joyyy

yg's new ceo
how about we have a girls get-together?

yg's new ceo
being invited to perform at coachella is
a big achievement, girls

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