074 | Rapunzel Gone Right

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- J E O N -f i r s tp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

"Hyung, I can already taste your shoes!" I complained when Tae-hyung accidentally stepped on my face.

Oh, how we were having a hard time climbing up to Jennie noona's window. I know this is romantic and stuff, but dear lord why can't we take a shortcut and just inform them that we're coming over like normal people?

Like Tae hyung would settle for that, anyway.

"Okay, how on Earth did you ever manage to climb up yourself?" I asked him.

"With a little courage and effort, my boy." He winked at me.

Rolling my eyes, I still helped him climb up. Soon, my eyes widened upon seeing him skillfully reaching to the porch, and actually already in front of Jennie noona's window.

But of course, he must've gotten used to it by now.

"What about me?" I protested, but he signalled me to wait.

He knocked onto Jennie noona's window - however, he didn't receive a quick response yet. Tae hyung glanced at his wristwatch, probably checking if we were too early.

"So?" I asked, my neck almost hurting from looking up.

Once again looking at the window, Tae hyung calls, "Gucci?"

Now that I've thought about it, when was the last time that hyung called Jennie noona by her name alone? However, it was a rather irrelevant thought to the situation. I need to focus on how I could make this romantic enough to apologise to Priya.

The window swings open, giving me a bit of relief. However, instead of Jennie noona opening it, it was Lalisa. And this immediately made my eyes widen and my heart clench at the same time - she just looked exhausted and it was killing me bit by bit.

Lisa welcomed Tae-hyung in, and simply looked at me once she realised that I was also there, supposedly about to climb up as well. She rubbed her eyes, "Kookie?"

I smiled, unsure if I should even do that. "Doll . . ." I mumbled beneath my breath, but loud enough so she could hear. "Hey, I miss you."

"Yeah?" Lisa warily nods. "How about your Beauty? Do you miss her, too?"

My brows immediately scrunched up. Beauty? What? "I don't quite get what you're saying, doll--"

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