054 | Lean Unnie

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- J E O N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jin and Jungkook stared at each other for at least five good seconds, unsure if who should eat the last chocolate chip cookie.

It was a battle between pride and prejudice, brotherhood and respect, love and - well - age.

"I'M OLDER!" Jin exclaimed, his face and ears turning bright red.

Jungkook meticulously arched an eyebrow, shaking his head. "You sound like Jimin hyung, this is scary," he mumbled. "I deserve the last cookie! I washed the dishes!"

"Well, I cooked!" Jin roared back.

Though Jungkook wanted to mutter a comeback at him, he refrained to do so, still remembering that Jin was way older than him. He glanced at his hyung, Namjoon, who was peacefully sitting at the corner, letting them battle for a cookie.

Well, it was originally Namjoon's cookie, and they were in Namjoon's room. Funny how the two actually came all the way there when he invited them over for some treats.

Namjoon massaged his temples, closing the book he was reading. At least, he was trying to. He gravitated his eyes onto the two rather ridiculous boys and forced a smile, "You can cut the cookie in half, and share."

The problem was very easy to resolve. Namjoon practically told them the solution already, yet the two played deaf and proceeded with their little battle.

"Tsk, these boys." They all turned their heads at the sound of a rather feminine voice which was undeniably rare to hear in Namjoon's room.

Their eyes averted to wherever the voice came from, Jin and Jungkook swore that they had a mini-heart attack upon seeing Jisoo smiling at them. How the hell did she gain access to just barge into Namjoon's room?

"He said cut the cookie in half, so you do it," she ordered them.

Jin, albeit older, noticed how authoritative Jisoo was. It's no wonder on how she tamed Yoongi. Jungkook scoffed, handing the cookie to Jin for him to cut it off.

However, the moment Jin fully grabbed full access to the yummy treat, he wasted no time and munched it all to himself. Jungkook, who was devastated, had his mouth ajar amidst staring at Jin who chewed on the delicacy he's been dying to have.

Namjoon chuckled, laughing at the two. Meanwhile, Jisoo rested her palms onto her waist, arching an eyebrow.

"HYUNG! YOU'RE NO FAIR!" Jungkook cried, pulling his sleeves up. Oh, was he ready to fight like a viking in order to retrieve his honour.

"Alright, I'm buying you a pack of those cookies," Jisoo told Jungkook.

The younger rejoiced, while the elder gawked. "What? How? Namjoon said the cookies came all the way from New Zealand!" Jin exclaimed.

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