036 | Lies PT. 2

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- M A N O B A N -

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- M A N O B A N -

f i r s t
p e r s o n .

We all arrived home, and dad was over-the-top relieved to see mom. At first, I thought everything was fine. However, mom started to yell.

"Where's Lalisa?" she roared, eyeing me. "You--You tricked me! You told me that Lalisa's here! Tell me! Where's my daughter?"

I felt hurt by the fact that she couldn't recognise me. Dad then told me to go inside my room, and so I did. I pulled Jungkook along with me as well.

His luggage was already in my room, and I knew that Aunt Nura already planned this. Let's say that she's a Liskook shipper, and she owns one of the biggest Liskook fansites in Thailand.

"Wait . . . don't tell me you're going to sleep here?" I nervously chuckled, seeing how serious he was.

He just stared out of my window, watching the rain pour. It's a relief that we managed to get home before it rained, or else mom would get sick, or even him.

"What? Didn't get to book a hotel?" I joked, sitting on my bed, but he remained serious.

"I came here in a hurry, I didn't get to book a hotel, nor do I plan to check in at this rate," he deadpan answered, shifting his gaze towards me.

His eyes pierced me, and somehow, he made me scared. He looked so mad. "J-Jungkook . . . are you mad at me?" I stuttered, unsure if I should've asked that or not. I began regretting.

He massaged his temples, darting his eyes onto me once again. He really is mad . . . "Look, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at what you're doing."

I bit my lip, knowing what he was talking about. He noticed, didn't he? I clasped my hands together, trying my best to refrain myself from crying.

Dammit Lisa, why are you being a weakass today? Why are you so damn emotional?! I hate you.

He sighed, putting his luggage scarf down as he made his way to kneel in front of me. He extended his arm, his fingers grabbing my chin, tilting my head up a bit so I could look at him.

"I just don't like the idea of you lying like that," he told me. "Your smiles were obviously fake, don't do that. Don't conceal yourself with fake emotions, got that? I don't want you to get used to it."

I nodded, attentively and carefully listening to him, word by word. I acknowledged what he said, and gave him a reassuring smile. "Thank you . . . thank you for everything, Jungkook."

"No need to thank me, doll," he said, a sigh escaping his lips as he fixed his coat, which I was wearing. He looked into my eyes, and I saw how sincere he was. "I'm just doing what I held back these past few months."

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