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- K I M , J S -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- K I M , J S -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Jisoo has been constantly frustrated ever since last week, just after her boyfriend managed to tell her something that completely caught her off-guard. She wasn't expecting it, especially now that her mind has been cluttered with this confusing feelings she holds.

She thought that visiting a certain someone would help her know and settle this once and for all.

And so, as soon as the girls got back from their promotions from their latest comeback, Ddu-Du-Ddu-Du, She immediately changed her clothes, quickly rushing inside Jennie's room just to find Jennie and Lisa inside, talking about something.

"You seem all dressed up." Lisa noticed her unnie, arching an eyebrow. "What's the occasion?"

"Don't tell me you're going drinking without me!" Jennie frowned.

Jisoo rolled her eyes. "I am certainly not going drinking." She let out an exasperated sigh. "Without you that is, Jennie-yah. However, I'm seriously not going out to drink right now. Just going to visit someone."

Lisa crossed her arms over chest, growing suspicious of her. "Really now, unnie? Ya sure you're not going to drink?"

"Lisa-yah, do I look like I'm going to drink? I'm wearing jeans, converse and a simple shirt right now!" Jisoo quipped. Lisa still didn't buy it and wanted to interrogate her even more however . . . "How about you two? What are you doing here? You seem to be discussing something when I came in," Jisoo was quick enough to change the topic.

Jennie decided to explain for this one, "Gucci's coming over, and we're sure that her boyfriend," Jennie pointed at Lisa, "is coming over to explain."

"There are guards, they'd surely climb up Jennie unnie's window. So I was requesting if I could open the window instead," Lisa explained, too.

Jisoo shrugged, deciding to let them be. This of course, made them gawk. Jisoo would usually scold them for doing something outrageous like that - however, Jisoo had a favour in mind.

"Okay, just be careful. However, I need you two to let me climb down," Jisoo conditioned.

The two younger females looked at each other, then back to the elder. "Huh? Why can't you just use the normal exit downstairs? I'm sure they'll let you go--" Jennie tried to explain.

Jisoo cut her off by shaking her head. "I'm going to BTS' dorm."

"You could've just told Jennie unnie so she could text Tae oppa to tell Yoongi--" Lisa said.

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