011 | I Think I'm Crazy

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t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Hoseok gulped, putting his chopsticks down. "Y-yah . . . why is he glaring at me like that? I feel so uncomfortable!" he protested, nudging Namjoon besides him.

Taehyung decided to speak up instead. "He's been like there ever since last night, he kept on glaring at me, too, but I didn't mind."

Hoseok glanced at Jungkook then immediately looked away. "I swear! I'm getting chills under his gaze! Yah! Jeon Jungkook! Stop staring at me like that!"

Jimin began to laugh, shaking his head. Taehyung and Jimin were actually aware on why Jungkook was acting like that. They overheard the younger talking to his little sister and mentioned that Taehyung was Lisa's bias wrecker, and Hoseok was her bias.

Taehyung didn't get mad at Jungkook for purposely stealing his date away from him. Although he does like Lisa, it was no biggie for him considering that he got time to know Jennie better. She wasn't that bad after all.

Back to Hoseok. He was close to actually hitting Jungkook just to make him stop. Jin had prepared some very delicious bulgogi and Jungkook was the sole reason on why he wasn't enjoying it. "Yah, Jungkook-ah . . . just let Hoseok eat in peace," Jin told him.

Jungkook grunted, nodding as he obeyed Jin, proceeding to eat. Namjoon and Jin then looked at each other, unaware of why their maknae was acting like that-to Hoseok, too! The sunshine! Why would he ever dislike the sunshine?

Later on, it was Jungkook's turn to wash the dishes, but Hoseok decided to wash it with him. He wanted to reconcile with Jungkook even if he didn't remember doing anything wrong to him. But still, the elder couldn't take him being crossed with him with a reason unbeknown.

"Yah . . . Kookie . . ." Hoseok nudged him. But Jungkook remained unfazed. "Kookie . . ." he playfully scratched Jungkook's chin, causing Jungkook to smile a bit. "Why are you made at me?"

"Because you're very talented," Jungkook pouted. "Because you're very nice, you've been nothing but nice. Because you're a very great-wait, why am I even complimenting you? Ugh. Now I feel bad for not being like you."

Hoseok chuckled, leaning on the sink as he smiled at Jungkook. "Is this because of Lisa-ssi?" Hoseok asked. Jungkook's eyes widened in an instant. Does he know that he's Lisa's bias? Dear churros, no.

"When I said that she's my bias, I meant that in a way that I find her extremely talented. I like her as an artist, Jungkook-ah. Don't get crossed with me for liking the girl you hate."

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