019 | First Kiss

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- M A N O B A N -

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- M A N O B A N -

t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Lisa stretched her arms after waking up first thing in the morning. As expected, her unnies were hella worried for her when they come home, finding Bambam tucking her in to bed.

Jisoo scolded her a bit, telling her that she should've told them. Jennie was lost in words and decided to just buy her some extra medicine. Chaeyoung was on the verge of crying, and if it wasn't for Lisa who quickly soothed her down, Chaeyoung would've been the reason of why the sea is rising.

She grabbed her phone, suddenly remembering that Jungkook hadn't contacted her after that call. Maybe he's busy? She thought, typing his contact name when she suddenly received a message.

Taehyung Sunbaenim

Good morning, Lisa. 😊

Heard that you were sick?
Are you fine? Please take
care of yourself.

A smile unknowingly crept at the edge of her lips. She found it rather sweet how Taehyung was actually making an effort despite her obvious feelings towards their maknae. She shook her head, finding herself unloyal for a second there.

She took a deep breath, messaging Jungkook first before she replied to Taehyung. She also sent a good morning text to Jungkook, and unlike before, he didn't reply back as quick as he usually was.

Then again, he must be busy. But why would Taehyung have the time to message her? Lisa once again disregarded these thoughts, quickly typing a message to Taehyung.

Taehyung Sunbaenim

Good morning to you too, oppa. ☺️

I'm feeling better now, thanks for
your concern.

That's good to hear.

Did you just wake up?

Jungkook mentioned that you'd
usually wake up at these hours,
so I decided to message you.

You're surprisingly quick to reply,
oppa. I'm touched lol.

But of course! ❤️

I told you, I wanna prove my-

I'm sorry for asking, oppa. 😣

But do you know where Jungkook
is? Or at least what he's doing?

He hasn't been contacting me

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