062 | 1st Date In The City Of Love

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- M A N O B A N -f i r s tp e r s o n

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- M A N O B A N -
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

Closing my eyes, I inwardly calmed myself down. Here I am, about to witness the most heartbreaking scene I will ever see.

The door creaked, and so my eyes opened in an instant. That's when I saw mom entering the ward, with daddy just behind her.

My lips curved to force a smile, "Hi, mom."

Mom looked shocked to see me - as if she didn't know who I was. Of course she didn't. "Hi?" Mom awkwardly greeted back, a bit reluctant if she should even talk to me.

"It's Lisa," I heard daddy whisper into mom's ear. Mom gasped, immediately darting her gaze upon me, rushing to pull me into an embrace.

"Lalisa! My daughter!" she beamed.

I giggled, hugging her back. After pulling away from mom, I walked towards daddy and pulled him into an embrace. "Guess this is my cue, I'll just be outside, Lisa. Wake your dad up," he whispered.

Sighing, I nodded, and we both pulled away. I watched daddy's figure slowly fade from my eyes. "Who's this?" I heard mom ask.

Okay Lisa, you can do this.

I turned around, a wide smile plastered across my lips. "You don't remember him, mom?" my tone came off rather sweet - too sweet - how fake was I, indeed.

Mom shook her head. Her forehead creased, her nose scrunched up a bit, and I found her cute. "No, but I don't like him," she innocently told me. "Can we go home now? I don't want to be here."

She was still scared of him; I can feel it. The mind may forget, but the heart never will.

Just when I was contemplating whether I should continue this or not, dad called my name, causing me to avert my eyes towards him.

Once his eyes opened, I saw how exhausted he was. He was in succumb in so much pain, and this just made me tear up. However, I refrained myself from doing so.

"P-princess . . . ?" he called me once more.

I was going to speak up, but mom beat me to it. "H-hello?" mom greeted as if she was meeting a stranger.

Well, to her, dad was a stranger after all.

I saw how dad's eyes widened, and I saw how eager he was to see her. If he wasn't in this state, I swear that he couldn't raced toward mom and immediately hugged her.

Dad's eyes started to fill up with tears. I covered my mouth, trying my best to not make a sound.

Mom slowly walked towards dad and smiled at him from the corner of his hospital bed. "Hi, my daughter says that you were a good friend of mine? Am I correct?" she innocently asked.

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