"You know, that blonde girl with bangs?"
The royal maknae of the monster rookie group, BLACKPINK, has the longest crush on the golden maknae of BTS. Yes, Lisa's bias is no other than Jeon Jungkook.
But Jungkook? Oh, he despises hearing her name.
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- M A N O B A N - f i r s t p e r s o n .
Closing my eyes, I inwardly calmed myself down. Here I am, about to witness the most heartbreaking scene I will ever see.
The door creaked, and so my eyes opened in an instant. That's when I saw mom entering the ward, with daddy just behind her.
My lips curved to force a smile, "Hi, mom."
Mom looked shocked to see me - as if she didn't know who I was. Of course she didn't. "Hi?" Mom awkwardly greeted back, a bit reluctant if she should even talk to me.
"It's Lisa," I heard daddy whisper into mom's ear. Mom gasped, immediately darting her gaze upon me, rushing to pull me into an embrace.
"Lalisa! My daughter!" she beamed.
I giggled, hugging her back. After pulling away from mom, I walked towards daddy and pulled him into an embrace. "Guess this is my cue, I'll just be outside, Lisa. Wake your dad up," he whispered.
Sighing, I nodded, and we both pulled away. I watched daddy's figure slowly fade from my eyes. "Who's this?" I heard mom ask.
Okay Lisa, you can do this.
I turned around, a wide smile plastered across my lips. "You don't remember him, mom?" my tone came off rather sweet - too sweet - how fake was I, indeed.
Mom shook her head. Her forehead creased, her nose scrunched up a bit, and I found her cute. "No, but I don't like him," she innocently told me. "Can we go home now? I don't want to be here."
She was still scared of him; I can feel it. The mind may forget, but the heart never will.
Just when I was contemplating whether I should continue this or not, dad called my name, causing me to avert my eyes towards him.
Once his eyes opened, I saw how exhausted he was. He was in succumb in so much pain, and this just made me tear up. However, I refrained myself from doing so.
"P-princess . . . ?" he called me once more.
I was going to speak up, but mom beat me to it. "H-hello?" mom greeted as if she was meeting a stranger.
Well, to her, dad was a stranger after all.
I saw how dad's eyes widened, and I saw how eager he was to see her. If he wasn't in this state, I swear that he couldn't raced toward mom and immediately hugged her.
Dad's eyes started to fill up with tears. I covered my mouth, trying my best to not make a sound.
Mom slowly walked towards dad and smiled at him from the corner of his hospital bed. "Hi, my daughter says that you were a good friend of mine? Am I correct?" she innocently asked.