041 | Blacktan Is Real, Folks

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A/N: More on side ships for this chapter, if you don't mind. :) I know some of you skip the parts of the side ships, but I personally like writing about them, too. :)

f i r s tp e r s o n

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f i r s t
p e r s o n .

Clasping my hands together, I began to walk around, probably passing by the living room for the nth time already. It's been fifteen minute since Jungkook entered the room, and I was just waiting for him to scream.

As I've said, my dad could be pretty . . . hot-headed. But not when it comes to me. Now, I'm over-the-top worried about Jungkook. I began to massage my temples, relieving myself from thinking various possible outcomes of their ongoing conversation.

One, they can get along, and everything between us will be peachy.

Two, dad would rage and still insist that I make ends neat with Bambam, and Jungkook would end up in the hospital.

Or three, the world will blow up. Worse case scenario? Yes.

And yes, you all heard me right. My dad is in favour of Bambam, probably because he thinks that he and I actually dated before. Considering that we faked to be a couple, numerous of times.

My head automatically turned upon seeing Jungkook exiting the room. My heart began to race as he closed the door behind me, a painful smile etched on his lips, and it prompted my eyes to begin producing unshed tears.

Jungkook still gave me that same, faint smile and pulled me into an embrace. I hugged him back, burying my face onto his chest. I ceased to cry - no, not again.

"Doll . . . I . . . I think you and I need to split."

My eyes flamed in an instant. I pushed him away from me, beginning to glare at him. "What did you say?" I arched an eyebrow.

He gulped, seemingly reluctant to answer me. "I-I think we need to spl--"

"Okay, hold up," I shushed him, gritting my teeth under complete annoyance. "I asked not because I didn't hear you, but because I'm giving you a chance to change what you said. Now, I'm going to ask again. What did you say?"

He seemed firm, deadpan looking at me. I couldn't read his expression, it's almost like he doesn't feel anything at all. I was terrified. "I'm not changing anything, doll. I meant what I said."

"To be clear here, we aren't even an item yet and you're proposing a breakup?" I rested my hands on my waist, my eyebrow rising up once more.

He sighed, seeming to relieve himself. "You know what I mean. And besides, you haven't broken up with your boyfriend."

I gawked - was this seriously his issue right now? Is Jeon Jerkook returning? At a time like this? "What the hell are you saying?" I fumed.

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