081 | An Unexpected Confession

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t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Bambam was in front of the hotel room that Jungkook had told him to come to, and he was just as nervous as he was months ago.

    Jungkook and him saw each other at the lobby, and as requested by Bambam, the coconut-head didn't tell Lisa about his arrival.

    It was all sudden, and he couldn't comprehend what suddenly came to him that he decided to ghost all of his friends like that. And because he was such a ghost, he had to spend more time with GOT7.

    He just confirmed that he was officially sick of their presence.

    Nerve–wracking if he had a word to describe how he was feeling. Albeit Jungkook reassuring him that Lisa won't shut him out, the possibility was still there.

    What if Lisa really did shut him out?

    He was just a heartbroken mess that he came to this point in his life where he had to lay low, and avoid them. He didn't regret a thing, though. He managed to somehow, move on.

    Was it from Sydney? No. Confusing, right? He wasn't heartbroken about Sydney, but he was really guilty about everything she had to her. He was the heartbreaker this time, and he didn't even realise it till she slapped some sense out of him.

    If Lisa shut him out, he doesn't know what he'll do. He'd be completely lost.

    And so, with a deep breath, he finally garnered some courage to knock. “Who is it?” He heard her chime. He wanted to tease her, and mimic her, but surely, this wasn't the time.

    He badly held onto the food and medicine he brought with him. He was outrageously nervous, as if it was the first time that he ever met her.

    The door opened, and he couldn't be even more nervous.

    Her smile slowly faded upon seeing him. She didn't look too happy. “What are you doing here?” she immediately asked.

    “H–heard you were sick.” He shyly scratched his nape with his available hand.

    She sighed, giving him some space to come in. “You have a lot to explain to me.”


Jungkook was just done with his makeup, thanks to his stylist noona. As his hyungs were also busy preparing for their concert, he couldn't help but glance at his phone.

    At first, he thought it would be Lisa or Bambam, however, he was a bit disappointed to see Areum calling him.

    You see, Areum wasn't brainwashed. He was thankful that she became a good friend of his, though Lisa wasn't really in favour of it that much. She still didn't want to be selfish, but she still openly told him about her jealousy towards his old friend.

    And for these past few months of becoming friends, Jungkook just became even more curious of her. No, not in a way that he is interested in her romantically. Geez, his heart was solely focused on Lisa. But in a way that he was curious about whatever's happening.

    It just feels a bit . . . odd, he supposes?

    He didn't want to answer her call. Probably because he was too worried at the moment for a reason unbeknownst to him. He just feels . . . nervous? He doesn't really know.

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