018 | Kim PT. 1

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A/N: I had an idea to make a chapter where it's finally the Kims' POV (guess which amongst Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Kim Jennie, Kim Jisoo and Kim Seokjin)

A/N: I had an idea to make a chapter where it's finally the Kims' POV (guess which amongst Kim Taehyung, Kim Namjoon, Kim Jennie, Kim Jisoo and Kim Seokjin)

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f i r s t
p e r s o n .

We've just arrived at Incheon Airport and I've never seen Jungkook so lost in his thoughts. I've been contemplating lately, if I should just push Jungkook towards Lisa like what I've been trying to do before. But you see, I won't give her just as that knowing that he's still immature to enter a relationship.

Like I've stated before, I know him too well. We were already walking, the lights flashed and we gave subtle smiles to the cameras. Jungkook, however, was rather quiet.

Once we arrived in the parking lot, six cars were there. I took the chance to ride with Jungkook. The car we were riding in already started to go, but he hardly noticed my presence. I wonder what's bothering him?

"I texted Lisa earlier," I started off, knowing that he'd snap out of his thoughts the moment I mentioned her name. "She didn't reply. I'm hoping you know why."

As expected, he did snap out of his thoughts. "She's sick," Jungkook replied, a hint of worry can be seen in his eyes. She's sick? Since when?

"What? What kind of sick? Did she already drink her meds--"

"I made Bambam go there already," he told me, still looking ahead. He really seemed like he was out of his mind. Please, Jungkook. I hope you man up sooner, don't make me fall for her even more. "The two haven't been replying to me, I just hope that Lisa's doing well."

"Likewise," I told him, also looking ahead.

He slowly averted his gaze towards me, his forehead creased. "Hyung? Why don't you two just date instead?" he suggested.

I was initially shocked, my lips stood agape as I shifted my gaze towards him. He seemed damn serious, and I hate it. This is a bit unusual, to be honest. A guy would spree hearing this, but I wasn't really feeling any glee myself.

Disappointment. That was what I felt.

"I've been thinking about this last night. I guess I'm too immature for her, don't you think? I tend to get very jealous, but I never man up and tell her what I feel. I even got so jealous to the point that I actually downgraded her, which she obviously doesn't deserve . . ." he paused a bit, a sigh escaping his lips. He was still looking at me, I was just really busy reading his eyes. "But you, you never failed to give her the treatment she deserves."

There's something different about his eyes. What are you up to, Kookie? What are you planning? "What's on your mind?" I subconsciously asked.

"I'm giving up, hyung."

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