117 | 3rd Date In The City Of Love

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— M A N O B A N —t h i r dp e r s o n

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— M A N O B A N —
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

Lisa saw how Chaeyoung groaned besides her, just as they were boarding off the plane since they've just arrived at Paris.

    If it wasn't for Alice, Chaeyoung would've probably be left at Seoul, eating five bags on chips, two tubs of strawberry ice cream, two cartons of Lisa's chocolate milk and a whole box of pineapple pizza, chilling on the sofa while watching Netflix all day.

    “Why the long face?” Alice then walked besides Chaeyoung, eating a ton of mangoes that Jin had bought her the last minute, before they went to the airport cause of Alice's sudden cravings.

    Chaeyoung glared at Alice. “Oh, I don't know. Maybe because you're the sole reason why I'm here?”

    Alice had successfully convinced Chaeyoung to go by crying. Yes, crying. Since Alice was pregnant, she was feeling more moody than ever, and when Chaeyoung declined, Alice had a breakdown. You could see Alice cry once in a blue moon, it was a very rare sight, actually.

    So, Chaeyoung had no choice but to agree. Thanks to Alice's pregnancy mood swings.

    “Well, it's not Alice's fault9” Jin suddenly appeared, pulling his and Alice's luggage. “It's Jalice's (Jey–lis).”

    Alice then glared at Jin. “How sure are you that our child's a girl? I'm sure that it's going to be a boy.”

    Jin shrugged, “But if it is a girl, we're so naming her Jalice.”

    “And if it's a boy?” Alice asked. Then, she turned her head towards Chaeyoung who was still in a foul mood. “How about you name it if it's a boy,” Alice suggested.

    Chaeyoung then thought for a while. “Alice and Jin? Maybe . . . uhm, Alin? Allen?”

    “Allen it is,” Alice beamed, making Chaeyoung smile a bit.

    Lisa shook her head, finding them all very adorable. Just then, she eyed Jimin who she thought was in a foul mood like Chaeyoung — however, he seemed very lively, even in the plane.

    The female then felt an arm around her petite waist, her head snapping to Jungkook's direction, smiling. She removed her sunglasses, giving him a quick peck on his cheek. “Came to find me, already?”

    “Everyone's with their girls, guess I should stick around with you.” Jungkook shrugged, also removing his sunglasses.

    Once they got out of the airport, the boys and girls were separated by two vans. However, they'll all stay in the same hotel.


“I am not going to share a room with him!” Chaeyoung suddenly protested, pointing at Jimin with full disgust and annoyance written across her face.

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