080 | He's Back

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— J E O N —t h i r dp e r s o n

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— J E O N —
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

The brown-haired boy woke up, feeling very good. However, he frowned upon realising that the female was no longer by his side.

    He sniffed, smelling something in the kitchen. He assumed that Lisa was already cooking breakfast, and so he stood up,grabbed a shirt, wore it, and went there.

    There, he did see Lisa cooking, still wearing was she last wore. She was still wearing his sweater, however, she was just wearing her underwear underneath.

    Jungkook tiptoed, hugging Lisa from behind. “Good morning, my love,” Jungkook mumbled in a hoarse voice that sent shivers down Lisa's spine.

    Lisa turned her head a bit, cupping Jungkook's cheek with one of her hands, and kissed him on his cheek. “Good morning to you, too, love.” She giggled before proceeding to cook, with Jungkook's arms still snaked around her waist. “How was your sleep? Did you get enough rest?”

    “You're hot,” Jungkook said out of the blue, surprising Lisa a bit. However, she still focused on what she was cooking.

    She decided to joke about it instead. “Oh, the little things. I'm the hottest member in BLACKPINK if I do say so myself.”

    “No.” Jungkook pulled away, turning the stove off for a moment, grabbing Lisa's shoulders and made her face him. “I mean it Priya, you're literally hot.”

    He then rested the back of his palm onto her forehead, then at her neck. He clicked his tongue upon checking her temperature.

    “You have a fever,” he told her.

    Lisa's brows lifted up, surprised. “Fever? I don't even feel sick——” Lisa coughed a bit.

    So much for trying to lie that she was alright.

    Jungkook rolled his eyes, sarcastically smiling at her. “Not sick, I see.” He nodded. “You should rest in my room as I buy some medicine——” he tried to pull her into his room.

    “Woah there, Jungle Book.” Lisa chuckled, “I'm fine! Don't worry about me. Let me cook for you, you have a load of schedules today——”

    Jungkook hoisted her up to his shoulder, and the female couldn't help but yelp.

“Oh my fucking——seriously?! You're using this card on me again?” Lisa complained.

    The male didn't utter a word and carried the female to his room, gently putting her down onto his bed. Lisa sat back up, pouting at him.

    “I just want to cook for you,” Lisa told him.

    Jungkook suddenly remembered what Bambam told him before — that list for Lisa's ideal husband.

    “I've never cooked for you, haven't I?” Jungkook asked her.

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