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Hi. So I had an idea! I don't know if I'd actually make this a thing (or even a seperate book, lol) but this is just a trial chapter if ever. And also, I'll publish these stuff whenever I'm uninspired so I can make it up to you guys, even in the simplest way.

Welcome to . . .

𝚏𝚝. 𝙱𝙰𝙼 𝙿𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

Rolling. . .

"Hello everyone!" Chaeyoung greets, turning her swivel chair to face the audience. "My name is Park Chaeyoung, also known as Rosé, and welcome to our all new trial talkshow! I hope this gets lots of love, I'm sure Colé is drained and is basically uninspired (what's new?)."

Chaeyoung stands up, smiling at the camera as she wore her reading glasses before she reads the screen to start off the programme. "Okay, so a viewer asked, why are men so complicated?" She took of her glasses, beaming at the camera. "Men aren't complicated, dear. The situation is complicated. Let's stop blaming them for everything, and always remember that we may have provoked them to complicate things. Next up!"

She patiently waits for the next question to pop up, fidding her fingers. "Does Jennie feel guilty? Even for a bit?" Chaeyoung nods, quickly understanding the question. "Oh, so this regards about the little love square they have.

Jennie unnie doesn't usually talk to me about that, she usually talks about it to Jisoo unnie. However, I can see that she is pretty guilty, considering that fact that she had no fault to this.

Before Lisa and Taehyung oppa became official, Jennie unnie already cut all ties with him, she already ignored him beforehand, knowing that Tae oppa likes Lisa, and not her. Okay, next question please!"

In the midst of awaiting for the next question, her phone rang. She checked it, quickly apologising. "O-oh, I'm sorry. It's Jimin," she picked the call up, answering him. "Babe, I'm filming right now. Yes, okay. Sounds cool. Be a good boy, ya hear me? Okay. Love you, too."

She hangs up, once again plastering her ever-so-bright smile. "Next is . . . my friends betrayed me. What should I do?" Chaeyoung formed an 'o' with her mouth, nodding. "Forgive, but never forget--People change, people repeat. If they've done it to you once, they can do it again. Settle things calmly and in a civil manner."

"Okay, that's the last one for today. Bam, you're up!"

Bambam slams the gong with his mallet, smiling at Chaeyoung. "Thank you, Chaeng. For today's prediction, an image that I am unaware of will pop up the screen, and I have to predict that person. Let us start! Screen!" he once again slams his gong.

"Oh, my bestfriend. Her name is Lalisa Manoban. To me, she seems like she's going to go through a lot for the next upcoming months. Her relationship will be stable at first. She will gain lots of love for their upcoming comeback. It seems like she's been having a lot of nightmares, lately. Let's wish the nest for her."

Chaeyoung nodded, the camera shifting back to her. "Please note that these are only predictions!"

The camera shifted back to Bambam, and Bambam nodded, thanking Chaeyoung. He slammed his gong and the camera transitioned back to our main host.

"Alright, before we end this interview, I actually have some guests . . . please welcome . . . Lisa and Sydney!"

The audience starts clapping as they entered, and for the first time, they seemed okay. They sat next to each other, Sydney quickly spoke up. "I think you meant Sydney and Lisa--"

"Are you deaf? She clearly said Lisa and Sydney," Lisa arched an eyebrow.

Sydney did the same, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm trying to correct her, Sydney and Lisa sounds way better."

"Uhm, no?" Lisa scoffed.

Chaeyoung nervously chuckled, trying to gain their attention by snapping her fingers, but failed. "G-girls . . . please behave. We're in the middle of an interview--"

"Your name sucks!" Sydney raged.

Lisa stood up, resting her arms on her waist. "Well at least I'm not named after a place!"

"Sydney sounds wonderful, doesn't it, Bammie?" Sydney turned towards Bambam. Bambam blushed, clutching onto his mallet. He smiled, nodding.

Sydney laughed at Lisa's reaction - she looked so betrayed. "BAMBAM!" she complained.

"Cool down, Manoban. Just admit that Sydney and Lisa sounds way better," Sydney shrugs.

"Look here, Australia. L comes before S if you're that dumb to not know!" Lisa fumed. Oh, how they hated each other's guts.

Sydney rolled her eyes, teasingly batting her eyelashes at Lisa. "In the alphabet, yes. But when it comes to introductions, I think Sydney and Lisa would quickly sum up on how I'm awesomer than you!"

"What the fuck, that's not even a word! Do you read a fucking dictionary?" Lisa cursed.

Chaeyoung gulped, signalling Bambam to come over already to stop the two. "D-did anyone get to censor that?" Chaeyoung nervously asked the cameraman, and he shook his head.

This made Chaeyoung groan in frustration. "O-okay! We'll be back! Or maybe never again! See you later, maybe never! Xoxo, Rosie!" she quickly did the outro even if the interview didn't even start yet.

Chaeyoung kept on signalling the cameraman to cut the camera, so the public wouldn't see how ugly everything will turn out the next three seconds if Bambam doesn't come and pull Sydney away.

Bambam pulled Sydney, and Chaeyoung pulled Lisa. Lisa and Sydney still kept on bickering at each other. Chaeyoung rushed towards the camera to cover the two, smiling as she quickly turned it off herself.

Guess you can say goodbye to her talkshow dreams.



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