015 | In A Blink Of An Eye

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- M A N O B A N -t h i r d

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- M A N O B A N -
t h i r d

p e r s o n .

"Fucking fucker!"

Chaeyoung and Jisoo immediately turned their heads, just to see Jennie basically cursing her way to her room. She slammed the door, leaving everyone silent. The two darted their heads towards Lisa, who was apparently frozen still, guilty as ever.

"Okay, what did you do?" Jisoo arched an eyebrow, calmly sipping on her tea that Chaeyoung had prepared for them.

Lisa frowned, simply making her way besides Chaeyoung. She rested her head on Chaeyoung's shoulder and began sighing. The two decided to let it slide for now. Jennie and Lisa seemed to be a little . . . off.


Lisa plopped herself onto her bed, blankly staring at the ceiling, reminiscing what happened earlier.


Jungkook escorted her to the mall as he said, and when they got there, they saw how Taehyung was still following Jennie around, and she was annoyed. And when she's annoyed, she really is annoyed.

Jennie immediately snaked her arms around Lisa the moment she spotted the blonde. Taehyung was supposed to tail around her again, however, Jennie pointed a finger at him.

"No! You won't take another step."

Taehyung, who felt helpless, voluntarily raises his hands in defeat. Jungkook patted his shoulder to give a little comfort.

He knew his hyung, he did that to him once too. Jungkook was crossed at Taehyung for purposely breaking his high score (which he worked really hard on) and Jungkook threw a fit.

He didn't notice Taehyung for about three days, and the elder followed him all the way just to make it up to him. He was extra caring and kind, just to receive his apology for an admittingly very tiny reason.

"C'mon, Jennie. Why won't you tell me what's wrong?" Taehyung was almost desperate to find out.

For him, friendship breakups are worse than a couple breakup. He didn't want to lose Jennie, she's been nothing but a very good friend to him.

"I told you, nothing's wrong. I just hate to see you. Isn't that enough?"

"Red flag?" Jungkook mumbled to himself, thinking that it may be the reason.

Jennie, who had a surprising strong sense of hearing overheard him. She glared at Jungkook, teeth clenching.

"I am not on my period!" Jennie inveighed, a death glare swarming through her eyes, causing Jungkook gulp.

He involuntarily hid behind Taehyung who stood up straight, still looking at Jennie with his brows knitted.

He looked eager-or maybe desperate-to reconcile with her. He even apologised over and over albeit not knowing what he did wrong.

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