100 | Foreshadowing, Perhaps?

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— K I M , J N —t h i r dp e r s o n

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— K I M , J N —
t h i r d
p e r s o n .

“This is so not happening.” Jennie gawked, seeing BTS' maknae line inside their living room, frozen at their seats upon hearing her voice.

The boys' spines chilled, sitting up straight in an instant. That effect that Jennie Kim has on them will never fade, no matter how many years passes by.

    “You mustn't have been informed.” Jisoo wiggled her eyebrows at Jennie, passing by as she placed a tray of snacks and refreshments at the table for the boys. “Please, feel at home.”

    Chaeyoung squealed, immediately rushing towards Jimin and hugged him real tight. “Oh my gosh. So we're going to be like — living together?” Chaeyoung asked in English, with her Australian accent.

    Jimin smiled at Chaeyoung, stroking her loose hair behind her ear, nodding at her.

    “That's so great!” Chaeyoung beamed.

    "No,” Jennie hissed. “That is not great. Why don't Chaeyoung and I know of this?”

    “Probably because Chaeyoung will blurt it out to you, and you'd go against it,” Jisoo calmly explained, her tone making her words seem like a diss rather than just disseminating information.

    Jennie crossed her arms over her chest, knowing that she wouldn't win over them this time. It was all of them against her. And she couldn't even believe that their own manager would even be okay with this type of set-up.

    Albeit being over–the–top nervous, Jungkook cleared his throat, earning their attention. “M–may I ask where Lisa i–is?” he asked.

    Taehyung let out a tiny chuckle, biting his bottom lip to refrain himself. Jennie arched an eyebrow, “Is there anything funny, sunbaenim?” she asked.

    There they were again, back with the formalities. Instead of being scared, though — like the old times — Taehyung smirked at him. Might Jennie say, he's grown more . . . confident now.

    “It's just funny on how they're still scared of you after all these years.” Taehyung shrugged.

    “Why? Aren't you scared of me, anymore?” Jennie quipped.

    “I'm not scared of you at all.” Taehyung smiled at her — he looked rather mischievous because of this, too. “I'm scared of losing you again, rather.”

    Everyone went silent at Taehyung's sudden confession. Jennie's eyes widened, not believing the stunt he just pulled off. What was going on in his head?

    “W–what . . . ?” Jennie took a step back, holding onto her chest. All eyes were on them now.

    Taehyung stood up, putting his hands in his pockets. “Can I go to the restroom for a bit?” he asked. Jisoo cleared her throat, quickly nodding.

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