030 | Rapunzel Gone Wrong

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- J E O N -t h i r dp e r s o n

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- J E O N -
t h i r d
p e r s o n .


fter his sudden confession, Lisa stayed quiet, she didn't say anything and it was fine for him. She fell asleep in his arms just a few minutes after.

Jungkook carefully carried her all the way to his car, and brought her to her dorm. He was greeted by Chaeyoung who seemed irritates, but her expression softened upon seeing Jungkook, carrying Lisa - bridal style.

She smiled widely, looking around to see if her unnies woke up. She let Jungkook in and let him carry Lisa all the way to her room. Chaeyoung tucked Lisa in and smiled at Jungkook, she let him stay, knowing that Lisa was safe with him.

"I'll leave in fifteen minutes," Jungkook informed her. Chaeyoung nodded, exiting Lisa's room.

Jungkook looked around Lisa's room, just to see Taehyung's pictures everywhere, just besides her posters of Bigbang, that is. He sighed, darting his eyes on the picture frame near her bed - it was a picture of her and her family, then, just besides that, was a picture of her with BLACKPINK.

She had a lot of pictures hanging, and stuck on her wall. He looked at them one by one, frowning once he saw about seven pictures of her and Taehyung together. But then, his heart fluttered upon seeing this one picture on her wall--

 But then, his heart fluttered upon seeing this one picture on her wall--

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It was a photo taken months ago. Even if their faces weren't clearly seen, he knew that it was them. Chaeyoung probably took this photo while they weren't looking.

It warmed Jungkook's heart, knowing that she didn't take him out of her life completely. She dawned his eyes back onto the red head, beginning to worry upon seeing her expression as she slept.

Her forehead was creased, her face was scrunched. She seemed like she was having a nightmare. Jungkook was debating whether to wake her up or not. Instead, he positioned himself besides her, and stroked her hair.

Lisa hugged him, which came as a surprise to him. He couldn't even move an inch. "Don't call me that . . . don't . . ." she murmurs.

Jungkook sighed for the nth time, realising that she was probably dreaming about earlier. "I won't stop calling you that," Jungkook answered, causing Lisa to shake her head. She was probably half-awake as she said all of those things, but Jungkook didn't mind.

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