078 | Frustrations PT. 2

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— M A N O B A N —f i r s tp e r s o n

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— M A N O B A N —
f i r s t
p e r s o n .

Here I am, lazily unpacking. Disappointed was an understatement of what I was feeling right now. I actually looked forward to visiting the Jeons once again.

    Jungkook cancelled our trip, and I don't even know why. He didn't give me a proper reason, though. He just told me that he needs to keep me safe and such

    Oh what does he think I am? A fool? Of course I know his frustrations, and whatever he's up to. He shouldn't belittle me like that.

    Knowing his frustrations, I, too, became frustrated over it.

    “Lisa–yah?” Chaeyoung called me from outside my room.

    “Come in,” I chimed, thinking that she came here with a perfect timing.

    The door creaked open, revealing a completely joyful Chaeyoung. “I've got something to tell you,” she excitedly rushed besides me.

    Leaving whatever I was doing at first, I turned towards her, intrigued by what she's going to tell me. “Alright, spill.”

    “You know Jihyun, right?”

    I nodded, remembering a time whereon Chaeng told me all about Jimin oppa's family. “Mhm, Jimin oppa's younger brother?” I asked her, and she nodded. “Yeah, the one who's the same age as us?”

    “That one.” Chaeng smiled. “I think Jimin's jealous.”

    My eyes widened, gawking. “Say what, now?”

    She nodded. “Look, Jihyun was asking me how to date a girl and such since he's a really shy type, and he's going on a date soon . . .” Chaeng narrated, and I nodded to inform her that I was listening. “So we met up so I could show him how to do this and that, and Jimin coincidentally spotted us together, thinking that we went on a date.”

    “He's jealous, duh.” I rolled my eyes. “What got you so happy about that? Chaeng-ah, Jimin oppa's the second most scariest person to get angry/jealous just after Hoseok oppa. Ya sure you want to keep——?”

    “He blurted something out because of that.” Chaeng bit her bottom lip. My eyebrows furrowed, curious. “I think Jimin's really planning to marry me in the future.”

    “OKAY, WHAT THE F——”

    “Girl, aren't you happy about that?” Chaeyoung smiled at me. “Cause I am! Can you imagine? That's how sure he is that he loves me!”

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