096 | I Forgot

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May 2019

— M A N O B A N —

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— M A N O B A N —

t h i r d
p e r s o n .

“At this point, I don't really care! I'm so done with you!”

    Lisa saw how Sydney wae spitting fire at Jeon Jungkook over the phone. Lisa just sighed, as she didn't see the whole scene coming like that at all.

    She just came by over Sydney's place to have a little chatter since it's been ages since they last hung out together, and now, Lisa accidentally slipped about the real deal between her and Jungkook.

    Jungkook has been purposely avoiding her for a week now. Everything was going peachy, and now, he does that to her. Again. In the same month, too!

    She wanted to talk to him, but he never answered her calls. He was at freaking America with the boys. The fans would surely grow suspicious if she suddenly travels to America, just after their comeback, Kill This Love, rather than staying in Korea to promote.

    Lisa felt rather hopeless, but she loved him. Very much. Maybe he's just too busy, as she'd always think. Or maybe, he just needs some space.

    The royal maknae ultimately had no time to dwell on it, and she was sure that he had no time these days, too.

    Just understand him, Lisa would always think. They've been through a lot, why bother letting go now?

    “Syd, I don't know what you're talking about,Jungkook said from the other line, which Lisa heard since Sydney put it on loud speaker.

    Just by hearing his voice, her heart already thumped louder, missing him already.

    “Oh, c'mon! You lied to me! You even streamed Kill This Love for the hundredth time the other day and couldn't stop babbling on how perfect she looked!” Sydney babbled.

    Lisa's eyes widened at this. If he wasn't mad at her, then why was he avoiding her? She rested her elbows onto the table, also resting her chin onto her palms, pouting at Sydney.

    “Where's the lie in that? Jungkook chuckled. “I mean, my girl always looks perfect, you've gotta agree.

    Sydney's brows furrowed, and also Lisa's. Jungkook was talking like nothing was wrong at all. Which was completely messed up, of course.

    Sydney looked at Lisa, on the phone, then back onto the gray-haired girl. “Okay, are you guys pulling a prank on me, now?”

    Lisa shrugged, also confused by Jungkook's demeanour.

    “I really have no idea, Syd. Lisa and I are fine.

    “When was the last time you talked?” Sydney began to interrogate.

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