Chapter 1: Run

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Jennie's POV

"Jennie! Come back!" my dad yells.

I am running so fast as if a cheetah is after me. I can't utter even a single word. My tears keep on falling. I don't want to turn around, I just can't and I won't. This is my life. I can't let them decide on how should I live my life.

They are ruining my future, they are ruining me, their own daughter.

"Go after her! Bring her back no matter what!" my dad instructs the guards.

I can hear his voice loud and clear and I can feel how angry and devastated he is right now.

I'm sorry dad but I can't do what you and mom wanted me to do. I just can't. Because I don't love him. I don't even know him.


"Jennie, honey, there is something your dad and I want to tell you." mom told me.

We are now at a restaurant waiting for dad's business partner. I don't even know why they dragged me here. I don't like listening about business talks, it makes me dizzy.

Before I can respond to my mom, dad cuts me off, "We are going to tell you when Mr. Kim and his son arrived. So please, be in your best behavior." my dad's deep voice gives me chills. I can't say a word so I just nod eventhough I am a bit confused.

What the hell mom and dad are planning to tell me? This is giving me anxiety. I don't know but I think it is not a good thing for me.

My thoughts ended when I heard a voice, "CEO Kim, good evening." A man in suit approached our table and offered a handshake with my dad.

"Mr. Kim, good evening to you too. By the way, this is my wife and my daughter, Jennie." dad introduced us. Mom and I stand up and also had a shake hands with the man.

"Hello Mrs. Kim and Jennie. What a lovely wife and daughter you have here CEO Kim." the man said with a smile on his face.

"My son is still outside looking for a space to park his car, he will be here in a minute." he continued.

"Alright, that's fine. So, let's sit? And choose our order?" asked my dad.

We sat and go through the menu. I'm not that hungry so I think I just gonna have a salad. Everyone is busy looking at the menu when a young man walked in. He was also wearing a suit, typical business man, his hair was brushed up neatly.

" There he is!" Mr. Kim pointed the young man.

"Hi dad. CEO Kim, good evening." the young man politely greeted my dad.

"I am Kai by the way." he continued.

"I heard a lot about you Kai, your father told me a lot about you." my dad said in a complementing way.

"Was it good things? Or bad things he told you about me?" he mischievously responded which made my dad chuckle.

"Well, that's a secret. Oh yeah, by the way, this is my wife and this is Jennie my daughter." Kai kissed my mom in the cheek and gently get my right hand and kissed the top of it.

"Nice to meet you beautiful ladies." he said with a grinning face. I don't know but it made me uncomfortable.

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Kim." I told him trying to be polite.

"Just call me Kai, Jennie." he responded.

"Uh, okay, Kai." I said while he is looking at me intensely.

"Okay so now, let's order, we have a lot to discuss." my dad said which made Kai looked away. Wooh! Thank God. I'm not really comfortable with his gestures.

The waiter approached our table and we gave him our orders.

While waiting for the food, dad cleared his throat and begun to speak," So Jennie, what your mom and I wanted to tell you was, Mr. Kim and us decided that you and Kai will be married soon."

"You and Kai will be married soon."

"You and Kai will be married soon."

"You and Kai will be married soon."

My ears suddenly became numb. And my dad's last words keep on echoing inside my head.

"You two will be married so that our companies will be merged and be united as one. We need this so that we can be the top company in Asia." dad continued.

I was dumbfounded, I don't know what to say, my blood started to boil. How can he barter my future for the sake of the company? I don't even know this guy he wanted me to marry, for Pete's sake!

I just stood up and walked out the exit.

"Excuse me Mr. Kim, Kai, maybe my daughter was just a little bit shocked since I haven't told her about this marriage proposal earlier. I'm sorry but don't worry, I am going to talk to her." my dad hurriedly apologized to the two men.

I was about to hop inside a taxi when my mom grabbed my hand," Sweetie, please, let us explain please. Hear us out first. " my mom begged.

" Jennie! You disrespectful brat!" my dad shouted from the back. I looked at him and saw how furious he was. He is with Bobby and June, our bodyguards.

"Dad! How dare you to set me up in a marriage without me knowing it? Am I a toy to you?" I shouted out of anger.

"Jennie, our company's stocks are decreasing. We need the Kims. We need Kai! You should marry him for our company. We cannot afford to lose our company!" my dad shouted back hoping to wake up some senses upon me.

"Bullshit! Fuck that company! Was that more important than your own daughter? I have suffered a lot because of that fucking company! I have begged your time and mom's time because of that company! You were never been a father and a mother to me because of that company! Now, you want me to give up my future and marry a guy whom I don't even know for that company?! Sorry but no!" I can't hold back my tears anymore. I turned my back and started to run. I didn't mind my mom's voice shouting and begging for me to stay.


I am running and running and running, the two guards keeps on chasing after me. My feet starts to ache, good thing I am wearing a flat running shoes.

I have secured a good amount of distance from the guards, they won't catch me if I don't stop from running.

I don't know where to go, I just want to escape from everything, from mom, from dad, from the marriage, from the guards, from the world! I want to die! I'm better off dead than living a life like a robot being manipulated by my parents. I'm hoping that a car will hit me right at this moment.

I'm starting to get weak and I can see the guards are getting nearer and nearer. I'm panting hard and almost out of breath. I checked my surroundings and I can see that I am at a bridge with Han River under.

An idea popped up in my head, I don't care anymore. I don't care if I will die or if I will be alive, all I wanted is to escape this hellish moment.

Without a second thought, I climb on the top of the concrete barricade and jump into the water. I can't swim, I don't know how to. But I don't care. I want to die anyways.


Sorry for the wrong grammars and typos guys if ever there is you will notice . 🤗 Thank you.

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