Chapter 33: Rings

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Jennie's POV

5 days gone by faster as I thought. Today is already Saturday, and tomorrow, I will be a Choi officially! I am so excited and the same time, goosey. Maybe this is what being a bride-to-be feels.

The day after Lisa's proposal, Jisoo came back to the city and today, it is Rosie's turn to go there and pick Jisoo up for my wedding tomorrow. They will arrived here tomorrow morning since our wedding will be in the afternoon.

Everything is going well in terms of the preparations. We already booked the wedding schedule at the town hall when we dropped Jisoo off the market last time. We also already have our wedding rings and I love it so much, Lisa and I decided to customized the rings by engraving something on the inside rings. "Lili's" was the one engraved on mine and "Nini's" on Lisa's.

Our formal clothes for tomorrow is already set, we don't really need to wear fancy wedding dress and tux or whatsoever since it's a civil wedding.

To be honest, I am a little bothered when Lisa had that bad dream the night of our engagement, it was my first time to saw her crying and shaking real hard. But I didn't ask her anything about it, it was a very bad dream of course and I don't want her to think about it anymore since it's only a dream.

My thoughts were broke when my fiancé started to talk.

"Babyyyy. How I wish Seulgi will be here tomorrow. She's not been in the village for a while and she didn't have any clue that we will get married tomorrow, she'll feel betrayed for sure when she knows it." Lisa said in a sad tone. I know that she really wanted Seulgi's presence tomorrow but her bestfriend hasn't returned from the city yet since the last time she left.

"Don't worry baby, she'll understand it. Everything happened quickly, let's just explain it to her when she comes back. Arasso?" I replied while caressing her cheeks.

"Yeah. But I will surely make her my best woman on our church wedding." she proudly stated.

"Of course you will." I answered chuckling at her cuteness.

We're here in our usual spot, under the palm tree. We were planning to swim for relaxation before our big day. Plus the weather is nice today, it would be great for swimming.

"So? Let's go swim?" she asked taking off her shirt which left her with only a sports bra revealing her yummy as ever toned abs that I'll never get enough of.

I didn't answer instead I also took off my dress, the very first one she gave me. I smirked seeing her reaction.

"Since when did you have a bikini Rubyjane?" she asked gawking my whole body.

"Surprise! Jisoo and I did a little shopping when you were inside the town hall last Tuesday baby. Do you like it?" I seductively asked her.

"Fvck Jennie. I changed my mind about swimming, let's go home and let me dive on something else."

"Yah! Pervert!" I slapped her chest a little forceful.

"I'm being serious. Damn! You look so hot. I want to pin you down on the sand and devour you." she whispered while brushing her lips on my ear.

I felt goosebumps all over my body. Oh my God! She's being horny and I know, little more teasing from her and I'll give in.

"Do it later at home baby. Not here when the sun is up." I pushed her lightly. Honestly, one of my sex fantasies is to make love with Lisa on the beach but not like this when someone might caught us in the act.

"This bikini is very dangerous. Tsk. You're nasty Mrs. Choi." she said while touching the hem of my bikini but my heart swelled after hearing her called me Mrs. Choi.

In times like this, Lisa cannot really control her hormones. She loses her mind every time I show-off too much skin or if we're having too much skinship with each other. Things like this easily make her aroused.

Before things get heated, I pushed her again lightly and ran towards the water.

"Yah! You're making me frustrated Jennie Kim!" she whined loudly that made me laugh so hard and stick my tongue out at her.

"Stop being a pervert Choi! Come on! The water is good." I told her.

She walks towards me sulking. Haha! What a babyyy.

"You are the end of me Jennie Kim." she said the moment she reached my spot where the sea water is on my chest level.

I didn't respond but I grabbed her by the neck and connected my lips with hers. I kissed her passionately without lust. The small waves are crashing against our bodies but Lisa is strong enough to hold both of our stands.

Not too long, she lifted me up so I wrapped my legs around her torso. Her kisses went down to my jaw to my neck and now she's sucking my collarbone not minding the saltiness of the water on my skin. I am getting turned on and I could feel my womanhood throbbing.

"Mmm. Baby, we can't do it here.. Let's continue this at home.." I said in between my moans.

She stopped sucking my collarbone and faced me with her dilated eyes full of lust.

"Let's go home. I'm sorry but I can't control it anymore. I want to taste you so bad baby." she said with flaming desires on her voice.

"Me too. I want to feel you inside me." I can't also take it anymore, this kind of Lisa always makes me surrender every inch of me to her. It makes me feel like I'm on ecstasy, high and wild.

She helped me get out of the water and we walked hand in hand towards our dry clothes and wore them back.

As we tread together towards our way home, the sexual tension between us is getting higher and higher. We're not even talking but just by hearing our heavy breathing says it all.
When we reached home, Grandma was busy cooking in the kitchen, we didn't even bother to greet her because Lisa grabbed me harshly towards our room.

She pinned me at the back of the door and aggressively pulled me for a kiss. She's kissing me hungrily with her hands wandering around my body. Her touches burn my skin and I can't help but to dig my nails at the back of her neck giving her a signal that I want more from her.

I started to push her hard still not breaking our kiss. But I stopped when I heard her groan because she hit the side table inside our room causing it to flipped. My eyes widened because it's where the things for our wedding were placed.

I immediately pulled out from her and started to pick the scattered things.

She helped me by pulling up the table to it's original position. I put back the things one by one on the top of it after checking that nothing was gone dirty.

The last thing I checked was our wedding rings. The box was opened because of the impact that made the other ring rolled out the box. I don't know but I suddenly felt nervous seeing our rings apart when it should be intact together. Aiish! Maybe this is one of the bride-to-be syndromes, like making you feel nervous over small things.

I just shrugged the thought and put the other ring back inside the box.
Third Person's POV

Riiing.. Riiiing.. The phone of the man in black started to ring, he panicked a little before taking the call.

"Hello Sir."

"I'm on my way to the island. Let's get Jennie back. Prepare 3 men with you." the man on the other line answered.

"Okay sir. Copy." the man in black replied before cutting the call.


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