Chapter 50: You And Me

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Jennie's POV

Based on Lisa's reaction, I know that she's really mad and I don't want her to be mad. She's a total different person when she is. I cupped her face and speak first before her, "But don't worry.. He didn't succeeded, Jisoo came and hit him. We filed a case against him and when we were at the police station, my dad arrived with the evidences that you've sent, my dad told us that he didn't knew to whom it came from but it has a seal in the box with capital M on it. What's the meaning of that?" I asked confusely.

"Kai will pay for this baby. He will.. Uhm.. Yeah, M stands for Manoban. My father's last name. Baby, I'm sorry for not returning immediately after I've sent the evidences against Kai, my father processed some documents and changed my name so that I can use the last name that I am born to use. He also insisted to change my first name into the name that he planned giving me before, and it's Pranpriya Manoban but I declined and decided to keep the Lalisa. Now, I am Lalisa Manoban. And you will be Jennie Kim Manoban." she explained with a sweet smile that made me blushed. I'm glad that her anger subsided.

"Jennie Kim Manoban huh? Sounds better than Jennie Kim Choi. But either way, I still like any of them as long as it's your last name that I would carry." I uttered lovingly kissing her cheeks.

But I remembered one thing that made me pout and speak again, "But I hate you a little, you know that? I hope you came earlier before I could step my feet on the island.. It broke me believing you were dead Lili.. You know that life without you won't be the life I would love to live.. I've mourn morning to evening thinking you're gone and won't never be back.. It hurts so much but you're here right now, you took all the pain away again.. I hope you won't leave me again baby, please, promise me.. I need you. And now, we have a son to take care of.. Please, don't leave us again." I blurted out looking straight into her chocolate doe eyes.

"I promise not to leave you again. I will stay with you. We will take care of SungJae together and I promise to be a good father-figure for him." she said lovingly while caressing my neck. I smiled with the thought of us being parents to a very cute little guy.

I was about to speak when I heard my monkey mumbled something,"Now, thinking of SungJae, you've said that the villagers saw bodies taken away from our house, don't you think it's SungJae's parents?" and with that, I gasped in realization. She's right, there's a possibility that it's SungJae's parents.

"We should meet Kai and ask him. We need to get the bodies and give them a proper burial that they deserved. I even prepared something for Kai.. For sure, his evilness will stop sooner." I said firmly holding back my anger so that Lisa won't be worried.

"Yes. Let's meet him and let's see how would he take it seeing me alive." Lisa smirked but not looking at me.

"Hey baby, one more thing, why is that Hanbin was with your father earlier?" it feels so good to ask her questions that making my head hurt due to confusion.

"Oh, yeah. Hanbin, he's my father's right hand here in Korea. We have our company here but it was a lowkey company for our main company is in Thailand. But he's the one handling our branch here in Korea. Why did you asked? Do you know him?" she asked.

"What? Hanbin is your father's right hand but he never told me about you?! I know him. He's in the Island claiming to be the new owner." I hissed with the thought that maybe Hanbin knew all along that I am talking about Lisa but chose to keep his mouth shut. Damn, I felt betrayed.

Lisa laughed hard at my irritation," What's funny now Manoban? " I asked her while rolling my eyes.

She stopped laughing and talk, "We never met in person not until tonight, I just talked to him through phone and he knows me as Prapriya Manoban for my father ordered them to call me Pranpriya or Young Master. I wanted to protest but my father is really persistent so I just let him. I'm sorry baby. Really.. But don't worry, I was the one who bought the island back.. It's part of my plan, that's why after revealing Kai's true color, I let Hanbin process all the necessary papers for the ownership of the island.. That island does not belong to Kai. It's ours.. It's for the villagers." she said full of conviction on her voice. The Lalisa I always admired. She loves the village and the villagers, no wonder everyone loves her also.

After hearing her explanation, I sighed deeply in relief. I felt a little guilty for false accusing Hanbin on my mind. But I shrugged it, he's a good guy and a good friend.

"So? Do you have more questions Niniyah?" she asked me.

I just looked at her, smiled then shake my head. "I guess I'm already satisfied and my head is now lighter as if a thousand of loads have been removed. Thank you my love." I told her sincerely.

She caressed my face and kissed me. It was a soft and delicate kiss at first but became aggressive and rough as minute goes by.

She's turning me on with her lips that I will never get enough of. I bit her bottom lip that made her part her lips, I suck on it and then let my tongue slide inside her mouth, it's so warm and delicious.

I felt her hand slipped inside my blouse now kneading my breast. I can't help but to moan because of the pleasure.

I pulled out of the kiss and aggressively took off her shirt and unbuckled her pants. Leaving her with only her undergarments. I look at her seductively, she looks really hot and delicious as always.

I saw her smirked but instead of mocking me, she ripped my off shoulders blouse giving her the full view of my cleavage. She then looked at me with lust on her eyes, her chocolate doe eyes became black and I knew exactly that tonight will be a very long night for the both of us. We need each other's bodies. We need to make up of the times we craved to taste one another. I need her warmth and I need her to fill me up tonight, same goes to her.

She unclasped my lacy bra and threw it on the floor. She bit her lower lip seeing my round mounds in front of her.

"You're body is a indeed a wonderland baby." she said full of desire.

I didn't say a word, I stood up in front of her letting her to witness on how I took off my pants in front of her. I know that it will turn on her even more, this monkey is a pervert after all but of course, only to me.

I leave my underwear because I want her to be the one to took it off. My sex is already throbbing and I know that I am soaking wet right at this moment.

I beckoned her to stand up which she did not taking her eyes off my body, she's obviously drooling over me.

I grabbed her by the nape and smashed my lips into hers. Kissing her hard as if there will be no tomorrow. She wrapped her arms around my bare waist and tugged me even closer though there's already no space in between us.

I could feel her hot body against mine. I can't help but to smile knowing how our bodies fit perfectly together.

I lowered my hands into her bare shoulders and I stopped kissing her when I felt a somewhat swollen part on it.

I pulled my face inches away from her to look at it and my tears fell seeing the scar that left a mark of the bullet that Kai had caused her.

She smiled weakly while wiping my tears using her thumbs. "It doesn't hurt anymore. Don't worry about it, I don't think of it as a bad memory, instead I think of it as a reminder of how great our love for each other is.. I could catch all the bullets if it's for you my love. My Nini. My Baby. My RubyJane. My Jennie Kim Manoban. "

Oh God. If words can make someone pregnant, I must be pregnant by now.

"I love you my Lalisa Manoban. My Lili." I replied lovingly and connected our lips again.

I wrapped my legs around her waist when she pushed me up. And I know exactly that she could feel how wet I am for her.

Her kisses started to move down to my neck, sucking and leaving a mark on it.

"To the bed." I instructed her in between my moans which she gladly obliged.

This night will be one of the most beautiful and amazing nights that I'll be having in my whole existence on this planet. Lisa and me, savoring each other's bodies, seizing the moment and claiming each other's souls.

Yehaaaaa! No smuts because I am not good at it. Hahaha.

Anyways, I'll grab this opportunity to thank you again and again for voting for this story. I am overwhelmed and grateful. I love you lovies. 😘 I hope that I am doing well as an author. Fighting for all of us!

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