Chapter 59: Talks

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Jennie's POV

"Can I have a spare of your time and talk something with you?" Yubi politely asked.

The natural bad bitch inside me wanted to raise my one brow and ask her what's the point of talking to her when I guess there's nothing we should talk about aside from her being a total desperate on kissing my Lili at the party when she already knew that Lisa loves me. And besides, she is already part of Lisa's past while I am Lisa's present now, including her future.

While the good side of me but still a bitch, good bitch side to be exact, likes the idea that it is me whom she wanted to talk with to and not with my monkey, at least Lisa is safe from unwanted kisses from girls like Yubi which is a form of harassment to which Lisa may or may not enjoy. I trust my Lili, really. But not the sexual hormones inside her.

"Sure." I timidly replied. Thankfully my son didn't saw me yet.

"Uhm, let's go on a little walk?" she asked again and I just nodded.
"So? What are we going to talk about?" I asked her coldly as we continued walking away from the crowd.

"I wanted to say sorry about the last time.. I'm sorry for acting a slut towards Lisa when she already made it clear that she only wants you." she uttered with regrets lacing on her voice.

My heart swell upon hearing how Lisa is whipped for me, well, I already know it but it is so good to hear from her ex's mouth. Like, yes bitch! Look who's winning.

"To be honest, you almost ruined the thing we haven't even started yet that time.. But thanks God, we didn't.. To tell you prankly, I hate you for doing it to Lisa, also the way you treated her before, she didn't deserved that Yubi. She loved you.. But I wanted to thank you too for doing those things, not because I like seeing Lisa hurt but because it's for breaking her and letting me fix and fill all the missing pieces in her. If only you saw the lady Lisa could be or the woman she was already when you had her, you wouldn't leave her broken and miserable. There's more than meets the eye Yubi, and I saw Lisa's soul through mine.. Lisa is the greatest person I ever met, knew, loved and will be loving until the end.. I'm sorry too Yubi, too bad, you had realized things when it's already late." I sighed, it was nice to say the words I wanted to say exactly to her.

I saw Yubi's eyes getting watery that caused her to bow her head."Yeah. I know. I've been the dumbest person on earth for letting the only person who had loved me genuinely go.. But I think, I just don't deserve someone like Lisa.. She deserves someone who is as genuine and true as her, and it's you Jen.. Again, I'm sorry ." she sincerely uttered while clasping her hands together.

I hold both of her shoulders lightly tapping the right one, "If there is someone you have to apologize to, it is Lisa."

She lift her head up and face me, tears are running down her face now, "We've already talked earlier, I saw her with Seulgi. I already asked for forgiveness which she gladly gave. I just thought I also owe you one, so I did."

My mouth formed an "O" after hearing that they already talked, Lisa didn't tell me. And then I remembered that we were so preoccupied earlier, I smiled inside.

"I also forgive you then.." I shortly but tenderly uttered.

Yubi smiled a little and hold my hands tightly but not tight enough to hurt me, "Please take care of her.. I know I don't have the right to tell you this but please, make her happy the way I failed to do for her. When I heard the news that she's dead, I almost lost all the shit inside me, thank God she's not. Every day of life is precious, make her the happiest each day." she said while giving my hands little squeeze.

I cheekily smiled at her, "I will.. Please be happy also Yubi."

I stiffened when she suddenly hugged me. "Thank you but knowing Lisa is happy is already my happiness and she will always be my first true love." she whispered and then she pulled out after the quick hug.

I didn't felt the jealousy upon hearing her say those words, instead, I smiled sweetly knowing that I am so lucky to have Lisa. She is my happiness too just like Yubi, the only difference is that, I am Lisa's happiness too and not Yubi.

I went back to the feast area after talking to Yubi while she made her way back to their house which was in the opposite direction.

Jisoo and Rosie seems to be in their own world, they are laughing so hard and starting to be clingy to each other, they are already drunk I guess. Hanbin and grandma is with them also, Hanbin is drinking beer while grandma is eating fruits.

I looked for SungJae and I found him sleeping on Lisa's father's lap. The other kids were no longer in the area, maybe they also got tired playing. I am getting shy towards Lisa's father because he's been baby sitting our son since earlier. I think he needs to rest too, maybe SungJae is already tiring him.

I come closer to him and he lifted his head that was looking down at SungJae's cute little face when he sensed my presence.

"Oh, hi Jennie. How's your ankle?" he said that made my cheeks turned hot and for sure I know that I am blushing hard. I forgot that I lied about my ankle.

I am trying to compose the right words to say but he cuts me off by chuckling using his deep manly voice.

"I know that kind of face, Pranpriya's mom tends to be like that when we just did something naughty." he blurted out straightforwardly that made me choke with my own saliva.

"Pranpriya must taking it seriously." Mr. Manoban whispered but loud enough for me to hear it.

"Taking seriously the what Mr. Manoban?" I asked in confusion.

He grinned at me widely, "She said that she's giving me 2 dozens of little Manobans in the future." and with that, I cough so hard and my cheeks became hotter. Oh God! I am going to kill Lisa but before I could do it, I'll die first talking to her dad.

He laughed hard this time, the crowd seems to be busy talking and laughing and drinking that no one noticed us.

"And oh Jennie, start calling me dad now. Eventually, you'll be my daughter-in-law so better call me dad as early as now." he said with an authoritative voice.

Goodness Gracious! I swear to God, Lisa's father is trying to kill me with heart attack. And speaking of marriage, Lisa and I did not talk about it since the time she came back. Maybe we can hit the topic later on when everything is already settled.

"O-okay d-dad." the only words I could utter and still, I stuttered.

"Good." Mr. Manoban cheerfully said while looking at me with his bubbly face. Lisa really got her father's eyes, chocolate brown doe eyes.

I smiled at him and awkwardly sit on the plastic chair beside the other chair where SungJae's body is laying.

"Uhm dad, I could look for SungJae now, I think you're already tired.. You should rest now at our house." I said while lifting SungJae's body so that he can sleep on my shoulder.

"Your son is very hyper and active, I didn't thought that being a grandfather is this fun and enjoying but energy draining at the same time." he chuckle that made me chuckle too.

Before I could respond, I felt a plump lips touched my temple, "How dare you leave me alone in our room?" my favorite deep voice was heard. Lisa is standing behind me.

"Oh hi babe. I'm sorry, I checked for SungJae, you know that he could throw some tantrums when he's looking for us." I replied sweetly looking behind to see her pretty face. She's fresh from bath and smells so good.

"Our baby looks so tired." she said while caressing our little boy's head that is on my shoulder.

"He is. He played a lot. I think we should take him home and also your dad. He's already tired." I said and then looked at Mr. Manoban who is staring at us lovingly.

"What a lovely family you have there Pranpriya." he tenderly uttered.

Just another filler chapter. 😪😪

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