Chapter 40: Monster

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Third Person's POV

It is now morning, the villagers in the island were not comfortable walking around because of the massive fear they are feeling. They don't know why the securities burned Lisa's house when Lisa is nothing but a very kind and humble person also her grandmother.

During the incident last night, Namjoon instructed them to close all their windows to stop them from intruding in their business. Because if not, another set of blood will be spilled. The villagers didn't know what happened after they witnessed how Namjoon shoot SungJae's parents.

The whole island is in chaos. The people started to mourn as they saw 2 body bags that were carried out by the securities from Lisa's house.

"It must be Lisa's and Aunt Taehee's bodies." Jihyo's mom said while crying.

Her husband grabbed her and hugged her tightly. "They are not humans. They think that money can rule over everything. I believe in karma, sooner or later, the things they did will be back to hit them." he said trying to calm his wife.

On the other hand, Tae's mother is doing her best to explain to SungJae what had happened to his parents. She's having a hard time thinking about how to let the little boy understand what just happened but SungJae is a smart boy, he understood everything that Tae's mother is telling him.


Tae's mom engulfed him into a tight hug,"I wish I could bring them back together with your Lisa hyung and Aunt Taehee but I don't have the power to do that SungJae. I'm sorry.." she said between her sobs.

"Wh-what? Also Lisa hyung? Nooooo Auntie! Nooooo!!!!" SungJae cried harder but Taetae ran to him and hugged his friend to comfort him.

"We need to grow up faster SungJae. So that we will be bigger than those men. We will punch them hard for taking your parents' and Lisa hyung's life." Taetae whispered to SungJae.

SungJae looked at him with tears running down his face while nodding slowly to Taetae.

Taetae's mom was amazed on how the two kids speak like an adult and then she remembered, it's because of Lisa. The girl influenced the children's life real big.

"But what will happen to me? I have no one left with me.." SungJae asked still sobbing.

Taetae's mom approached him and softly rub his back, "You have us SungJae. We are here for you." she uttered.
Kai's POV

I came here in the island with a very good mood. I can't stop smiling when Namjoon told me the success of the task I gave him.

"Their bodies were on the boat boss, what do you want us to do with those?" Namjoon said to me but why does he sounds so nervous?

I just shrugged it off and speak, "Let me check first, I want to see Lalisa Choi's lifeless body."

I saw Namjoon's sweat running down his forehead, what's wrong with him?

"Are you sick or something RM?" I asked.

"No boss. I'm fine. Let's go, I will bring you to their bodies." he said and then lead me the way.

Not too long, we reached where the boat was located and there I spotted two body bags.

"Open the body bag of Lalisa's body." I ordered Namjoon. He approached one of the bags and opened it.

I almost threw up on what I saw, the face was not recognizable it was burned out real bad. Namjoon is still moving the zipper down of the body bag when I stopped him.

"I'm already satisfied with the head. I don't need to see the whole body. It's gross." I said in disgust, he then zipped it up back to close it.

"Do whatever you want to their bodies. Threw them to the ocean or bury them, I don't care." I instructed him.

"Okay boss."

"I will be out of the city for two months. My flight will be tonight, thank you for giving me a peace of mind RM. I won't be bothered about that fvcking Lisa anymore. I already transferred 50 million won on your account for your hardwork. Now, the only thing you would do is to secure that Jennie won't set her foot on this island. And make sure she won't know Lisa's death." I smirked triumphantly.

Jennie Kim is only mine.
6 P.M. at Kim's Mansion

Jennie's parents is not home as usual. Jisoo and her are calmly waiting for Chaeyoung. The latter went to the village this morning to check Lisa's state.

"Ive been calling her but I think her phone died. Aissh that girl, she really loves mobile games. That's why." Jisoo mumbled looking down her phone. Jennie was confused if Jisoo was talking to her or to herself.

But still, she chose to respond, "She'll be here in few moments. I could feel it."

And just like a magic word, they heard a knock on Jennie's room's door. Jennie opened it revealing a sulking Park Chaeyoung.

"Rosie, what happened? Is Lisa okay? Is she? Answer me." Jennie bombarded her.

"I didn't had the chance to see her Jen. There were securities all over the island. They wouldn't allow outsiders to enter the village including me. I tried all my might to tricked them but I failed. I'm sorry Jen." Rosie tried to explain.

Jennie lookes at Rosie with a glistening sad eyes,"I am sure this is Kai's doing. He is doing everything to prevent me from seeing Lisa. What should I do now? I am going crazy thinking about my girlfriend. I want to be with her. I want to feel her touch. I don't feel safe anymore, I need her to make me feel secured like she always does. Oh God. Why is this happening to me? Why is this happening to us?" Jennie is now crying again. She can't even breathe properly and almost lost her balance.

Jisoo quickly approached her and gave her an arm to hold on to."If killing is legal, I won't think twice killing that bastard. This is too much. He is too much." she firmly stated while caressing the head of crying Jennie.

Jisoo pitied her best friend so much, this is the very first time she saw Jennie being in a very miserable state. She hates it, she doesn't want Jennie to feel this way.

"I will make him pay Jen. I won't let him marry you. He is a total monster that deserves to be in hell." Jisoo angrily blurted out, she's fuming in rage. Her blood is boiling wildly, she badly wants to kill someone.

Rosie was worried seeing her girlfriend being this mad. But she understands it, she approached Jennie and Jisoo then engulfed them in an embrace. She is silently praying for Jennie and Lisa's safety and happiness because the two deserved it more than anyone else.

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