Chapter 60: Moonlight

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Lisa's POV

I am watching Jennie as she lay our son in bed. SungJae sleeps so soundly because of tiredness from too much playing, maybe he missed the island so much.

"Baby, can you get me a wet towel? I need to wipe his body. He's so sticky and dirty." she instructed me and I obliged immediately.

I went to the dresser to get a clean towel before heading to the bathroom to wet it.

"Here babe." I handed the towel to my lovely girlfriend the moment I reached her which she took right away.

She wiped SungJae's face first causing him to scrunched his face a little bit  but didn't bother to wake up. I just sit at the edge of the bed enjoying the view of a caring mommy Nini in front of me. She's a perfect mother, I can see how much she loves SungJae.

"Love, I need SungJae's baby powder and a pair of clothes. His shirt is soaking in sweat, he might get a cold." she uttered worriedly.

"Where did you put it?" I asked her.

"His clothes were on our traveling bag while the powder is on his baby bag's pocket." she instructed again and I got up to take it since she's already taking off our son's clothes.

I get the pair of clothes that I bought for SungJae last Sunday when we went for shopping. I can't help but to smile remembering how happy Jennie was, seeing the clothes in my hand. I told her that SungJae needs to wear this kind of clothes because he is so lucky to have a mommy like Jennie.

I came back to Jennie and gave her the clothes and I saw her eyes sparkle in joy

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I came back to Jennie and gave her the clothes and I saw her eyes sparkle in joy. "I really love to see him wearing this sweatshirt." she lovingly uttered and take the clothes off my hand to put them on to our little angel who is still sound asleep and unbothered on what his mommy doing to him.

I closed the gap between us and sit behind her, she's on the top of the bed sitting while facing SungJae making her back faced the edge of the bed. I hugged her from the back and kissed her nape.

"We are so lucky to have you. You are a great mom to SungJae and a wonderful girlfriend to me. I love you so much Jennie." I sincerely said then tighten my hug around her while I burried my face into the crook of her neck.

She stopped putting some baby powder on SungJae's neck and hold the top of my hands that are resting on her belly. "But we are luckier to have you Lili. I love you too." she whispered and then tilted her head to kiss my temple.

I am grinning widely upon hearing those words when my phone vibrated on the side table signaling that I received a message. "Check that love, I'll just finish cleaning up SungJae so that he can sleep peacefully." she said while caressing my hands that she was holding.

I kissed her cheek before letting go of the hug and getting my phone.

I open my inbox and saw a message from Hanbin :

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