Chapter 7: Kids Time

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Jennie's POV

I chose to wear the dress Lisa bought me for the picnic while she wears a plain white t-shirt and black beach shorts. It was simple but she look amazingly hot.

"Grandma, we will go now. I left some sandwiches and fruits for you in the kitchen and we will be back before dinner." Lisa bid good bye to grandma.

"Bye grandma, see you later." I said and kissed her on the cheek.

"Aigoo, this kids! I'll be fine here. Go and enjoy!" grandma told us shooing us away.

Lisa carried the picnic basket then grabbed my hand and lead me outside.

Always the gentleman she was.

Tug.. Tug.. Tug..

I can hear the abnormal sound of my heart again. Again, what is this?


Lisa's POV

Jennie is wearing the dress I bought her, as soon as I saw that dress I knew that it would be perfect for her. And I'm not mistaken, she looks good with that floral dress.

But better without a dress.

What?! Aiissh. Shut up you perverted mind! Stop those filthy thoughts!

"You look good in that dress Nini." I complemented her.

"Thank you." she shyly responded, bowing her head trying to hide her blushing cheeks. Kekeke. Too late, I saw it already.

"Lisa oppa! Jennie unnie!" I heard Tsuyu shouted from not a far with the other kids while waving their hands to us.

"Hey there! You all ready?" I asked them as soon as we reached their location.

"Yeah!" they shouted in unison.

"Oppa, carry me. Please? Please? Pretty please?" Jihyo begged.

"Me too oppa! Me too!" Tsuyu added.

"Let me carry the picnic basket Lili, so that you can carry these two little princesses." Jennie offered while smiling.

"Arasso. Arasso." I gave her the picnic basket and lift Jihyo up from the ground and let Tsuyu ride in my back.

"Woah! Hyung! You're really strong!" SungJae said.

"I want to be as strong as you Hyung!" Tae-tae added.

"When you grow up, I'm pretty sure you will be stronger than I am. But for now, you are still my little princes and princesses. Okay?" I said while giggling.

"And you are our King and Jennie noona is our Queen!" SungJae squealed.

I saw in my peripheral view that Jennie blushed lightly. Kekeke. Nice one SungJae. I'll take note to buy you a toy car next time.

I was about to speak but Jihyo shouted in excitement," Oppa! Let's run! "

" Arasso. Tsuyu, hold on tight. Okay?" I secured Tsuyu's grip first and run as fast as I could.

I heard Tsuyu and Jihyo's laughter and giggles. SungJae and Tae-tae are also running after us. While Jennie remained her pace but also laughing at our silliness.

"Noona! The last one will be the ugliest!" Tae-tae shouted teasing Jennie.

Jennie just laugh and shook her head.


Jennie's POV

Lisa run while carrying the kids. I was about to scold her because it's too risky, she might drop the kids but it's too late, she already run fast and the place was occupied by laughters and giggles.

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