Chapter 34: No!

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Lisa's POV

"Lalisa Choi!!!!!" the kitten angrily shouted from the bathroom. We just finished doing our thing so she decided to take a bath to clean her body.

I laughed to myself because I know exactly why she's angry. For sure any moment from now, she'll be out of the bathroom. 1, 2, 3.. Told ya, the bathroom door opened exposing the fuming kitten with only a towel covering her body.

"I'm going to kill you perverted monkey!!! I told you not to leave any mark!! Now, how am I supposed to hide this?!!!!" she shouted real loud while pointing the big hickey on the left side of her neck.

"What's wrong with that? That's my art! And my art looks good on your skin Jennieyah!" I said trying hard not to laugh.

"Art? Huh? Art?! Common! I'll give you my art too! Let's see if my art called bruises will look good on your face Choi!" she scoffed while stomping towards my direction.

"Hey. Hey. Easy there kitten. I'm just kidding." I said trying to calm her down while stepping backwards.

She was few more steps away from me when grandma knocked on the door. Wew! Thanks God!

"Lisa, Jennie, lunch is ready."

Jennie glared at me as if she's stabbing me repeatedly. I can't help but to gulped hard looking at her.

"We're not yet done Lalisa. I'll get back to you later." she firmly said then turned her back on me and grabbed some clothes from the dresser so that she could change.

"Nini, I'll head out first to the kitchen. Follow after you're done changing. Arasso?" I stated.

"Whatever Choi. Don't talk to me. I'm still mad at you." she responded. Tss. For I know, just one touch from me makes her forget everything. I just smirked inside because of the thought.
I settled myself in the dining table, grandma and I were waiting for my angry kitten.

For almost 10 minutes of waiting, she showed up in the dining area. I can't help but to smirk at her, she let her hair down to cover the hickey on her neck, she caught me smirking at her that made her rolled her eyes in irritation. Haha! What a cute little mandu. I guess, I'll make it up to her later.

"Come on sweetie. Let's eat." grandma spoke to her.

She didn't replied as she take her seat beside me. I leaned forward to her and kissed her cheeks sweetly.

"I'm sorry. Don't be mad anymore." I softly whispered.

I felt her body tensed for a couple of seconds, always the same effect I could give her just by being near her body.

She was about to speak but Grandma butted in.

"Eat now you two! The ramen will be soggy."

Jennie just sighed deeply and focused on her food and I did the same.
I was now washing the dishes while grandma and Jennie were on the living room having some chitchats about our wedding tomorrow.

I am wiping the glass and ready to put it on the cabinet when a loud bang of the main door surprised me and made me lost grip on the glass that caused it to fell down and broke into pieces.

"Aiish! What was that?" I mumbled under my breath.

I was about to pick the broken pieces of the glass when Jennie shouted, shock and horror were obvious on her tone of voice.

"Kai?!" that's what I heard. I ignored the broken glass and hurriedly walked towards the living room.

I saw 3 men inside the house and two others outside the door. My whole body became cold when a familiar dream hit my mind. No! It can't be!

"What are you doing here? Did my father sent you?" Jennie asked in a shaky voice. I walked towards her and hold her hand tightly to calm her down.

"No. You're father didn't sent me here. But I will inform him after I get back what's mine." the guy that seems to be the boss of the other men spoke in a proud tone.

"What are you talking about?" Jennie asked him in confusion.

"I did searched for you Jennie. I've found you for almost a month now, I asked my security to keep an eye on you. I was a little shocked when he told me that you're marrying another person tomorrow." the guy stated in a disgusted tone while looking at the intertwined hands of Jennie and mine.

"Kai, please. I know you and I were the victims here. Our parents were only forcing us to marry each other. Kai, I don't love you and I don't even know you personally. And this is Lisa, she's the one I love. I am going to marry her tomorrow so that the both of us will be free from our parents' grip." I felt a pang hit my chest after knowing that the guy in front of us was the guy she was supposed to marry but it was replaced with relief after Jennie introduced me as the one she loves.

"Forcing? No Jennie. They are not forcing me. You may not know me personally but I know you too well Jennie Kim. You don't know how happy I was when my father told me that I'll be marrying the only daughter of the Kims. You've got my interest the moment I laid my eyes on you during one of your parents' business party a year ago." my ears went deaf for a moment after hearing those words from him.

"What are you saying Kai?" Jennie became uncomfortable because of the guy's words. And I am gathering all my strength not to say any words because I don't have the right to butt in since I don't know anything about their personal issues.

"It's easy Jennie. You are going back with me to Seoul. You are going to marry me whether you like it or not. Your father already signed up for it. He owes us a lot of money Jennie, we were providing financial assistance to your company over the past few years. And your father cannot pay for it even though he sells your company to us so he opted you to be the payment for it or else, he'll end up on jail, or much worse, he'll end up on a cemetery. " the guy sarcastically uttered.

I saw Jennie's mouth went agape and her eyes were starting to get teary. I pulled her closer to me and hugged her lightly while I am facing the guy.

"She is not coming with you. You can't threatened her like that!" I half-yelled to the guy.

"Threatened? I am not threatening her. It's the truth that she must face! She is mine! And I am the one she's going to marry not some trashy disgusting person like you! And look at this house! Jennie Kim does not fit in here! Goodness!" he laughed bitterly.

"Don't talk to my granddaughter like that! I can report you to the police for trespassing!" grandma butted in.

"Haha! Trespassing? Go! Report it. I will report both of you too for kidnapping Jennie! How's that sounds? Let's see if who will the police would believe in. I can rule them using a very good amount of money anyways." I am losing all my patience with this guy. I badly wanted to hit him on the face.

"Kai please. I am not coming with you. This place is where I belong. I don't care about the money and I don't care about the company! Leave us. Please." Jennie begged the guy.

"No! Do you want your father dead Jennie? If you are not going to marry me, I will order my gunman to kill him in just a snap." the guy seriously said while pulling Jennie's wrist harshly that made Jennie whimpered in pain.

And that's when my blood boiled up. I gripped the guy's collar and punched him on the face that made him fell to the ground. The other men quickly run to my spot but Kai stopped them.

"Don't ever lay again your dirty hands on Jennie! No one could ever hurt her like that!" I spat before he could speak. I pulled Jennie so that I could hide her behind my back.

He laughed maniacally and wiped the blood from his cut lips.

"I can do everything to her because she is mine! And mine alone!" the guy shouted.

"I am not yours Kai! Never yours and never will!" Jennie shouted back.

"Guess I have no choice then." Kai snapped his fingers and the 4 men pulled out guns from their side pockets.

My body frozed and my heart starts to beat abnormally because of fear. I am terrified at this moment. But I have to be brave for Jennie.

"Nooo Kai. Please noooo. This is not right. Please." Jennie cried out loud.

Please bear with me. Let's get through this angst together lovies. I love you all. 😌

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