Chapter 54: Marry Your Daughter

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Lisa's POV

"I'm sorry if you have to witnessed that scene earlier~ Ouch.. " I said whimpering.

We are here in my hotel room right now, my girlfriend is treating my half swollen knuckles due to beating up Kai and Namjoon.

"That's for making me worried." she said after pushing the cotton deeper to my knuckle.

"Ouuuch~" I pouted. It really hurts.

After she cleaned it, the swell became smaller and the redness turned to light pink which is a good thing.

"That's the last time I will see you beat someone up. You won't do it again. You got me?" she said firmly looking at me. I shivered a little because of her bossy tone.

"Aigo! Arasso my kitten.." I stated trying to be cute just to ease her.

"Yah! Stop acting cute! You look like a monkey!" she half yelled but lifted my knuckles up and planted small sweet kisses on them.

"There, it's done. You'll be fine." she spoke tenderly.

"My lips hurt too mommy~~" I teased her trying to speak like SungJae.

She snapped one of her fingers on my bottom lip making me feel a little stinging pain. "Ouchh~" I whimpered for the nth time.

"Now, it's true. You're lips hurt. Come on daddy~ Let mommy kiss your pain away.." she said mocking me.

I just rolled my eyes to her, "Yah Manoban! You're not allowed to roll your eyes in front of me! I will get that eyeballs of yours out their shells!"

Instead of answering her, I leaned closer into her ear and whispered, "But you always make my eyes roll every time you make me cum my naughty little queen." she flinched a little and with that, I smirked.

"Yah!" she is about to slap my chest but I've caught her hand. I intertwined our fingers and I smiled feeling the engagement ring I gave her.

"You never took off this ring, didn't you?" I asked while caressing her ring finger.

"Why would I? It's the only thing that kept me going all those times that Kai was ruling over me. It's the only thing that reminded me that it's with you where I belonged to and with no one else, only with you my Lili." she lovingly stated making me feel the familiar sensation in my stomach.

"I love you Jennie Kim." I said full of adoration before kissing her lips gently.

"How about let's pick SungJae up in our company and let's have lunch together at my favorite restaurant?" she stated after the kiss.

"How about I'll be the one to pick SungJae up and you'll stay here to cook something for lunch? I missed your food baby.. I hope that grandma's teachings are still burried on your head." I said while tucking some hair on her ears that's blocking her pretty face.

"Speaking of grandma, where is she? I missed her." she sadly stated.

"She's in Thailand. Don't worry. You'll see her soon." I assured the pouting mandu in front of me.

"So? You'll cook? There's a mini-kitchen in here with a refrigerator full of ingredients.. My father instructed the hotel management to do some groceries for me.. Tsk. He's quite upset when I only chose a small hotel to stay while he is staying in a luxurious one.. But being on that hotel makes me uncomfortable.. Even here.. I still prefer our house in the island." I narrated.

Jennie chuckled a little,"Always my humble little monkey.. Okay, I'll cook. But do you know where to pick our son up?"

"Don't worry. I know where your company is and Mr. Yang will drive me off. Just give me Jisoo's phone number so that I can call her."

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