Chapter 32: Bad Dream

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Jennie's POV

"Chichuu!" I ran towards my best friend and crashed her body with a tight hug.

"Jendeukie, i c-can't breathe." she groaned under my hug.

"I miss you so much Chu!" I said after I let go of her from the hug.

"I miss you too Jendeukie! You don't have any idea how relieved I am to see you personally." Jisoo hugged me again that made me tear up.

"I'm sorry Chu. I didn't mean to make you worried. I'm sorry." I softly said while sobbing.

"Shhh. It's fine. I'm so proud of how brave you are, look at what you found, I'm so happy for you Jendeuk. Congratulations." she caressed my back gently as if letting me know that I made the right decision.

"Thank you Jisooyah." I sincerely uttered.

She looked at me with so much happiness in her eyes. I know Jisoo, she would always be the happiest person just by seeing her loved ones happy that's why I'm so grateful for being her best friend.

I opened my mouth ready to speak when I felt an arm wrapping around my waist. I looked at my side and there I saw my baby smiling widely.

"Sorry to interrupt but I think we should eat." she politely said.

"Lisayaaa! You did it well bruh! I told you, she would love it!" Jisoo squealed while bumping Lisa's shoulder with hers. I looked at them confused, since when they become close? For I know, they never met or even talked to each other.

"I think, I'm missing something in here." I commented while looking at them intently.

"Ah yeah. Lisa was the one who fetched me and Rosie earlier in the market." Jisoo answered.

"And you didn't informed me?" I asked Lisa with a firm voice.

"W-we wanted to su-surprise you baby. I-I'm sorry." Lisa replied stuttering. Haha! Is she afraid of me being upset? She's so cuuuute.

"It was my whole idea to surprise you mandu! Don't worry, Rosie and I left the city without being suspicious." Jisoo butted in and gave me a wink.

"Can you talk it over the dinner people? The kids are hungry. And grandma was almost done setting up the dinner." Rosie appeared from nowhere and I looked over the table and saw grandma putting the foods that we cooked earlier.

So this is the real reason why she asked me to help her cooked earlier huh? Teaching me how to cook Lisa's favorites was just an alibi to keep me busy? Now, I know. They planned everything real well.
"Waaah! This is so tasty!" Rosie squealed in delight after taking a spoonful of gamjatang. We are now having our mini dinner.

I am sitting beside Lisa while the two little girls are on her lap, she's feeding them. SungJae and Tae-Tae are on my other side eating peacefully. Grandma, Rosie and Jisoo are on the other side of the table across us.

"It's hot. Hot! Hot!" Jihyo shouted while fanning her mouth still stuffed with food.

"I hate you Oppa! You didn't blow it. It's so hot!" she hits Lisa's chest with her small hands, the latter just laughed so hard at the little girl's misery.

"Open your mouth, I'll blow it." I reached for Jihyo who is now about to cry. I put her on my lap and tried to comfort her. But not too long, I heard Tsuyu shouted the same thing. I glared at Lisa who is laughing her ass out loud, I know she's doing it on purpose to tease the kids.

"Continue it Choi and you're gonna sleep outside the house tonight. Come on, test me." I said in an angry tone. But I'm not angry. Hihi.

I saw Lisa gulped hard and looked at Tsuyu, "Sorry princess. Sorry. Open your mouth baby, oppa will blow the food." she said caressing the lil girl's cheeks. I know she's scared of my warning. I am Jennie Kim afterall. I just smirked at her after.

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