Chapter 28: Visitor

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Lisa's POV

After fishing, I came home without Jennie in the house. I felt a little incomplete because I miss my needy girlfriend's hugs and kisses that welcomes me home every time I came back from fishing.

Still, it's a good timing to tell grandma our plan to get married and ask for her permission. Grandma is the only family I have. She stood as my mother and my father for 15 years since my mother died. I owe her a lot. I love her as much as I love Jennie.

"Lisa, is there something bothering you sweetie?" Grandma asked. We are having our breakfast at the moment.

I looked at grandma for a moment, thinking how should I tell her our plan. I am nervous as hell. But I guess, I have to be brave enough. Grandma deserves to know it early. So I cleared my throat and started speaking.

"Last night, Jennie and I somewhat came up with an idea. I know it's really sudden but I can't really lose her grandma and she can't lose me too so we kinda ended up with a plan to get married as soon as possible." I said with a shaking voice. I'm afraid of what her reaction would be.

"What?! Are you being serious?" Grandma shouted with a widened eyes.

"Grandma, this is the only way to stop Jennie's father from taking her away from us. Jennie in the very first place doesn't want to come back to them. I love her grandma." I tried to enlighten Grandma by holding the top of her hand. I saw her eyes softened while looking at me.

"I do understand everything sweetie. But are you really sure about it? Isn't it way too fast? You're young, so as Jennie. You know, marriage thing is very crucial. Once you entered it, there's no way to get out." She said trying to imply the consequences of Jennie and mine's decision.

"I know and that's the exact reason why we will do it. I don't want to let go of Jennie. I want her to be with me, to be with us forever grandma. You know me very well grandma and I know that you can tell how much Jennie means to me. So please, I am asking for your blessing." I said with a pleading eyes.

"You're right. I know you more than anyone else. This is the very first time I saw you being this determined and implicit. I trust you sweetie. I can't believe you will turn to be this amazing lady you are today. You are everything that I have. I love you my Lalisa,your happiness is all that I want. I'm always here to support you." I felt my teardrops flowing aggressively down my face. This woman in front of me is so priceless and I may not tell her but she is an angel. She's the angel of my life.

I hugged grandma tightly and started to sob against her shoulder.

"Thank you so much grandma. Thank you for being there for me since from the very beginning. You are a wonderful person, you raised me so well. I love you so much." I said sincerely.

"Aigoo! Don't cry. You're making me cry too." she said while giggling but I know that she was also crying silently.
Jennie's POV

"What? Jinjjaa?" Rosie's eyes widened in shock after I told her that Lisa and I were planning to get married. We are now in the small bakery where Lisa and I ate the other day.

"Yes Rosie. This is the only way to get rid of my father. And besides, we love each other. So much. Isn't it enough for getting married? Lisa is my everything right now. And being her wife is all that I wanted. This is not just for sabotaging my father's plan, it's more than that. This is a real deal Rosie. The thought of my father taking me away from Lisa is killing me. I can't be away from her." I said intently.

"Wah! I can't believe that this is happening too quickly. But whatever. I'll support you. I'm sure Jisoo will too. You deserve to be happy Jen. And if it's with Lisa, I won't stop you. So, when will be the wedding?" she asked while munching her cheese bun.

"About that, uhm, Lisa is insisting to have a proper proposal first which is not really necessary because she knows already that I'll say yes to her. But she keeps on asserting that I deserve a proposal, you know, engagement ring and stuff so I just let her." I explained to Rosie.

"That's so sweet of her Jen! Oh my God! You just got yourself a really sweet charmer! I agree to Lisa and knowing her, she's the type of a cliché old school romantic chic ofcourse she'll stick with proposal before marriage." Rosie said in a "matter of fact" tone.

"Yes. She's cliché but still, she's the only person who could make me feel a thousand of different emotions at once. It sometimes scares me how deeply in love I am with her because I know, it will really hurt badly if ever I'll lose her." I confessed to Rosie.

"That Lalisa Choi is also lucky to have you Jen. You never looked this in love, contented and happy before. I can't even believe that you'll survived the life in this island. It's really far from your life as a princess in Seoul." she exclaimed.

"I can't believe also but all I know is, Lisa is the reason of this. She opened my eyes to see the world in small things. Life is really hard but I can't see Lisa struggling. She's so optimistic, outgoing and full of hope. It's not really hard to fall in love with her. And damn! I fell so hard and so deep. " I said slamming my face with my palms as the thought of being crazy in love with Lisa lingered in my mind.

Rosie just giggled and continued eating.
Lisa's POV

It's almost noon and I was waiting for Jennie and Rosie to come back. I am here in our living room reading some books I newly bought the other day in the market. And grandma is in the kitchen, busy cleaning the fish that I brought from earlier.

I am becoming so impatient waiting for my girlfriend, I am not used being away from her at this time of the day, if she was here, we would go to the beach front and take a nap under our favorite palm tree. Fuck, I miss her.

I keep myself busy with my books when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. My excitement rise with the thought of my girlfriend already being home. But that's weird, why would she knock if she could come in directly? But I just shrugged it off and ran swiftly to the main door smiling widely.

My smile dropped and turned into a frown when an unfamiliar face of a man welcomed my sight.

I felt intimidated with his looks. I can tell that he is around his late 40's but damn, he is so fuckin tall with a well-built body, he is wearing a polo shirt and corduroy pants and just by looking at it, I know it's pretty expensive.

My hands became sweaty thinking maybe he is Jennie's father. Or one of the private investigators her father hired. I gulped hard and set aside all the fears I have inside my body.

I looked directly into his eyes and ask, "Who are you?"


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