Chapter 9: Know Her First

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Jennie's POV

After that magical moment, Lisa and I opted to take a nap here at the room. Well technically my room, since the very first night I stayed here she let me used her room while she sleeps in the living room in that long hard wooden chair every night. She never made a fussed about it though I know that it's uncomfortable sleeping there plus it's very cold during the night because of the sea breeze.

I can hear Lisa's cute snores, she is now spooning me, my back is glued to her body front while my head is resting on her arm. We are under a thick blanket keeping us warm.

I slowly turned my body to face her, she let out a soft groan and her eyebrows scrunched a little but after a few moments, her face became peaceful again. What a baby.

My head was still on her right arm while her left arm is wrapped around my waist. Our faces were an inch apart and I can feel her hot breath touching my skin.

I raised my hand and traced her jawline, her forehead, her eyes, her nose and her lips with my fingers. She was unconsciously reacting to my touches as her head jolts a bit every once in a while.

Lisa looks like an angel. Well, she is really one tho. I haven't appreciated her beauty that much but as I look closer to her right now, she was indeed flawless and ethereal. I can't believe I'll meet someone as perfect as her.

After that kiss, I don't know what our status would be but I am pretty sure, we are more than just friends now.

Cause duh, friends do not kiss that way.

I know everything went fast but if she'll ask me to be her girlfriend, I won't hesitate to say yes. We only know each other for a short period of time but we have a long way to go to know more about one another. I like her a lot. I really do.

And as I think about us knowing each other, I felt guilty again. I should tell her my story. She doesn't deserves to be lied to. I will tell her everything as soon as possible.

I also wanted to know more about her, I don't really have personal information about her like where her parents are or did she go to college? How old is she? Fuck, I don't even know her full name, all I know is Lisa was her name and grandma's was Taehee. Oh my God! I don't even have an idea what's their last name is.

Damn! Lisa and I should set a getting-to-know-more-about-each-other talk. Yeah, I'll tell her later.

We've already kissed but barely know each other's personal informations. God! I should have at least asked her last name.

So eager to know your future last name Ruby Jane? There you go again, crazy thoughts!

My thoughts ended when grandma knocked the door and shouted, "Jennie, Lisa! Dinner is ready!"

I startled a bit about to push Lisa away with the thought that grandma might see us this close to each other and freak her out but I heard her continued, "I'll be on the kitchen waiting."

Wew! Good thing she didn't came in.

I looked at Lisa sleeping soundly, I caressed her cheek, "Hey Lili, wake up. Dinner is set."

She just groaned, "Come on. Grandma's waiting." as I pinched her nose lightly.

"Mmmm." she moaned still eyes closed.

Shit! That was sexy!

So you won't wake up huh? Guess I don't have a choice then.

I brought my head closer to hers and bite her lips.

"Ouch!" she opened her eyes widely while holding her hurt lips.

"What was that for?" she continued while glaring at me.

"You won't wake up. You left me with no choice." I shrugged playfully not caring about her sharp eyes boring on mine.

I was caught off guard when she pinned me down under her body, I can see her brown orbs darken with lust. Oh my Goodness! What now?

"You are really naughty Nini. You deserved to be punished, what do you think?" she asked biting her lower lip. Damn! This is my first time witnessing this kind of Lisa. Surrounded by a dark energy, very good dark energy.

But it kinda aroused you Kim? Don't you deny it!

Lisa devoured my lips like a hungry wolf enjoying her prey. It was so intense and I can't help but to reciprocate the same intensity level she's giving me. This is so effin hot.

I'll take a mental note to provoke Lisa if I wanted her to be rough. What?! Yah! Pabo brain! Pabo!

Lisa's right hand started to wander through my clothed stomach, she was about to touch my breast when, "You two ain't coming? It's getting dark! We should eat now!" grandma shouted again.

Lisa was take aback and groan. I can see frustration on her face, "We're coming grandma!" she responded.

Shit! Why did it sounded sensual? Wtf?! Am I becoming a pervert?

"What are you thinking about Jennie?" she said looking at me smirking.

"Nothing! Tss! Maniac!" I pushed her away.

"You're so hot Nini." she leaned again closer and pecked my lips.

"Come on, grumpy grandma is waiting." she said giggling while helping me to stand up.

We fixed ourselves first before heading to the kitchen. Grandma is right, it's already 6PM and it's getting dark plus the weather makes the surroundings more gloomy.

Dinner should be early here in the village since they don't have electricity in here. We're just using a kerosene lamp for lightings. At first, I'm not used to it but I have no choice and no right to complain about anything since they don't even have a single idea of who really am I.

"What took both of you so long? The food is getting cold." grandma nagged.

"We were napping, sorry to make you wait grandma. Don't be snippy, huh? You look older if you are." Lisa teased grandma hugging her from behind.

"Aigo! This little brat! Is that how you treat your grandmother?"

"I'm just being honest grandma besides you were the one who taught me to be truthful." Lisa giggled and kissed grandma on the cheek.

The latter just laughed lightly holding Lisa's arms that is wrapped around her.

They truly love each other, I can see how affectionate they were towards one another. This is what a family should look like. I wish I had one.


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