Chapter 37: Lost

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Lisa's POV

I woke up feeling heavy all over my body. I tried to move but my right shoulder is badly aching, and that's when all the memories from yesterday came rushing in. Fvck.

"Jennie.." I weakly uttered.

I heard footsteps walking towards me.

"Lisa, sweetie. You're awake." I heard my grandma's voice. I looked at her and cried, oh God! Never in my life I felt this relieved, seeing my grandmother. I was so occupied with anger yesterday that I didn't had the chance to check up on her.

"Grandma, are you alright? Do you feel pain somewhere?" I asked still laying on the bed then I realized we are not home. This is not my room.

"Where are we?" I continued asking.

"Aigoo! I'm not hurting anywhere. It's you I should ask, are you okay? I know you are deeply wounded, physically and emotionally. And we are here in the clinic sweetie. The nurse treated your wound. Thank God it didn't reached the point that you needed a blood transfusion. I might gone crazy thinking about you suffering a lot." Grandma spoke while holding the top of my hands. Worried is written all over her face.

"Grandma.. Jennie.. They took Jennie away from us.." the only words I can utter between my sobs.

"Shhh. Jennie is a brave girl. You know that, right? You must be tough too for the both of you Lisayaah. If the two of you really belong to each other, destiny will do it's job." grandma calmly stated while caressing my cheek.

Yes. Jennie and I belong to each other but I will be the one to create that destiny. Wait for me Nini, wait for me my love.

I sat up straight trying to ignore the pain in my shoulders.

"Sweetie, don't move too much. You're wound is still fresh. It will bleed again." grandma softly nagged at me.

"I don't have much time grandma. I have to go to the market and call someone. You know who it is."
Jisoo's POV (yay! At last! Haha)

The sun is already up. I decided to stay last night and looked after Jennie. She told me everything, it made me very angry. Jennie doesn't deserves this, she only wants happiness. How could a father take it away from his own daughter? Is he even a father? And that fvcking Kim Jongin is a pure evil. He thinks he can do everything because of money. What a greedy heartless man! I won't let him marry Jennie. I will fight with Jennie. I will do everything to protect her and Lisa. Lisa is the only one who deserves my bestfriend.

I stared at a peacefully sleeping mandu beside me. Though her eyes is puffy because of too much crying, she still looks pretty.

I can't really understand why life should be this cruel to her.

"I wish I could take away the pain from you my little sister." I whispered against her hair and leave a kiss on the top of it.
It is now noon and Jennie's mother told her to prepare for a lunch meeting with Kai and his father to discuss some things, maybe it's about the canceled wedding of the two.

"Are you sure you're going to be fine?" I asked Jennie who is busy fixing her make up in front of the mirror.

"I will be fine Chu. I need to show them that I am not weak. I need to be strong for me and Lisa. I have to stand up for us. I need to come back for Lisa Chu. I can't live this life without her." she said looking at my reflection on the mirror.

I walked closer to her and hug her from the back, "I'm just here. If you need a grenade, just tell me."

She laughed lightly while holding my arms that is wrapped around her. But the smile on her face was replaced with a sad smile afterwards.

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