Chapter 12: The Day After

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Jennie's POV

I woke up because of the sun rays creeping through the window blinds, it's so bright. The rain has stopped and the weather was obviously excellent today.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the other side of the bed expecting to see someone but she's not there. Disappointment took over my body, I'm upset not to see Lisa the moment I opened my eyes. But the thought of her made me blushed remembering every details of what happened last night.

I was about to stand up when I felt a pain in the middle of my thighs. It hurts but it feels good. A smile formed on my lips thinking, Lisa worth the pain!

I gathered all my strength to stand up and fix the futon mattress but the bloodstains on the sheets caught my attention.

"Oh My Goodness! I have to wash this before grandma would see it." I gasped. Suddenly, I felt hot on my cheeks as a thought sank in, I gave my first to Lisa! I remembered my exes asking me to have sex with them before but I always refused. I just can't do it with them. But with Lisa, she doesn't have to ask me. She is different, she makes me want to do things I never thought I'm capable of doing.

After I fixed the bed, I walked to the window to open the blinds fully when I noticed a vase with daisies on it and there was a note under. The flowers were beautiful, my favorite. I lifted the vase and read the note.

Good Morning Gorgeous! Im sorry I won't be there when you'll wake up. I left early for fishing and I don't want to disturb your sleep. Not when you're sleeping soundly. I asked grandma to make a soup for you. So please don't wait for me for breakfast, eat first and regain your strength.

, Lili
PS. I hope you like the flowers. They are fresh from our garden.

A huge grin plastered on my face. I can't wait to see her home.

I fixed myself and walked out the room while taking a mental note to wash the sheets after breakfast.

I saw grandma in the kitchen setting up the table. I approached her and greeted her, "Grandma, good morning."

"Oh hi sweetie, you're awake." I just nodded at her with a smile.

"Lisa told me to cook a soup for you, she said you're not feeling well, are you still cold?" grandma continued.

What a reason Lisa! I'm feeling good and not sick at all.

"Uhm, I'm fine now grandma. But, I would love to have soup this morning." I said.

"Alright. I'll reheat the soup first. You can sit down."

I obeyed grandma and after a while she came back with a bowl of soup in her hand.

"Here sweetie. Be careful, it's hot." she said.

"Thank you Grandma." I said politely.

Grandma then sat down across me and eat some eggs and bread.

"Mmm. This is so tasty. You're really a great cook grandma. I hope you can teach me your recipes too." I said savoring the food.

"Of course, I would love to. Don't worry, I'll lend you my great great grandma's recipe book so that you can also learn Lisa's favorites and maybe it could be your favorite too." hearing Lisa's name made my heart skip a beat and made me unconsciously smile.

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