Chapter 36: Evil Plan

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Third Person's POV

Lisa watched Jennie walked away from her, she watched the love of her life disappeared from her sight. Every step Jennie takes is a deep stab piercing through Lisa's heart.

She can't stop crying and sobbing Jennie's name.

"Niniii.. Niniiii.." the last words she uttered before she lost her consciousness. She lost a lot of blood because of the wound caused by Kai on her shoulder.

"Aunt Taehee!! Lisa!!" one of the villagers shouted while running towards Lisa's house after they secured that the men in black left already.

The villagers were also terrified because of the gunshots they heard a while ago. Some of them tried to check what's happening inside Lisa's house but they were stopped by Kai's men. They were forced to go back to their houses when the men started to point the guns on them.

When the villagers reached Lisa's house, they saw the two ladies laying on the ground. Panic is visible on their faces. The others checked on Lisa's pulse because based on what they saw, the young girl was shot. They thought that Lisa was dead but no, her pulse is still beating.

A man hurriedly carried Lisa to take her to their clinic. On the other hand, Grandma started to gain her consciousness, some of the villagers helped her to sit on the wooden chair.

"Where is Lisa and Jennie?! Where is my granddaughters?!" grandma shouted when she looked all over the place but didn't saw Lisa and Jennie.

"Aunt Taehee, calm down. Lisa needs you. She was taken to the clinic. She was unconscious because of blood loss. Be strong for her. And Jennie, she was taken away by those men." a woman tried to explain to grandma. But the latter cried hard begging the villagers to take her to Lisa.
Jennie's POV

The sky is already dark when we reached Seoul, we used a chopper going back to the city. What do I expect? This asshole beside me is the son of a multi-billionaire.

We are now inside his car, and for sure, he's taking me back to my parents.

I didn't talked to him or even looked at him. I loathe him! How could he force me that way? He even hurt my Lisa!

And now, thinking Lisa covered with blood when I left her makes me weak on the knees. I can't stop worrying about her situation. My tears never stopped from falling since I left the house, my home, my safe haven.

"Hello, CEO Kim.. Yes.. Like I've told you, she's with me.. I will drop her off in your mansion.. Let's talk after.. Okay.. See you in a bit.." I heard Kai talking to someone on the phone. And 100% sure, it's my dearest father. Still I didn't speak. I don't want to have any conversation with anyone of them. I want Lisa. I want to make sure that she's safe and alright.
Not too long, we already arrived at our mansion. I quickly opened the car door and go inside the house, the maids and the butlers lined up as soon as they saw me coming, they bowed their heads to welcome me and Kai.

"Jennie! Oh my God. Sweetie. Thank God you're safe! I almost lost my mind thinking about you!" my mom cried after she saw me. I looked up to meet her eyes and I can't help but to cry with her. I realized that my mom doesn't deserves to be hated, she's just under the control of my father. She's also a victim too.

"My beloved daughter came home, at last! I always knew that you were alive." I heard my dad's sarcastic voice.

"I didn't have any plans going back in this hell. But you've leave me with no choice, you already sold me to a demon!" I angrily said while pointing at Kai. It hurts to remember that he used me as the payment of his debts to Kai's family.

"Don't talk to me like that Jennie Kim! I'm still your father!" he yelled at me.

"The moment you chose me as a payment for your fucking debt, you also lost me as a daughter! I don't know you anymore!" I yelled back as loud as I could until the veins on my neck popped up.

I saw how my dad raised his hands to slap me but my crying mom quickly stop him. Well, I don't care if they hurt me or not, I am already hurt inside me. No physical damage can compare to the emotional damage they gave me. My body is already numb to feel pain.

"No honey. Please don't hurt our daughter. Jennie, go to your room." my mom said in a pleading tone, I just followed her and walked straight to my room. I don't have the strength anymore for a new argument.

As I entered my room, I quickly went to the cabinet where I put my gadgets. Thank God, I kept my old phones with me. I pick one of the phones that still have a battery and hurriedly call Jisoo. I need her right now. I am losing my sanity and I need her to help me stay sane.

After a few rings, she answered.

"Hello. Who's this?"

"Chuu. It's me Jennie." I cried the moment I heard her voice.

"Jendeukie! Are you crying? Something wrong with you and Lisa? Chaeng and I are packing our stuffs for your wedding tomorrow. We will be there in the morning." it made me burst out in tears more. I looked at the engagement ring Lisa gave me and spoke..

"Our wedding won't happen anymore Jisooya." I sadly whispered thru the phone still crying hard.

"What are you talking about? Anything wrong with you and Lisa? And whose phone are you using anyway?"

"Chu, I am here at our mansion. Please come over. I need you. I'll explain everything here. Please Chu." I begged her while sobbing.

"Fvck! I'll be there in 10. Hold on Jen. Wait for me." I cut the line after what Jisoo said.

I laid on my bed and looked at the ceiling, Lisa's bright smile is all that I can see. I must be brave for us. I need to plan things out.
Third Person's POV

Meanwhile, on the living room of the Kim's mansion, Kai explained everything to Jennie's parents including the thing about Lisa.

Jennie's dad became furious after hearing that her daughter almost sabotage him by just marrying a girl. But her mom stayed calm and pitied her only daughter, still, she can't do anything that is against her husband.

"I have an idea CEO Kim." Kai uttered that caught Jennie's dad's attention.

"What is that Kai?"

"I know that Jennie will do anything to come back there in the island for that Lalisa Choi. So I'm planning to buy the whole island and rule all the people there. I will put securities in the area and implement that no outsiders are allowed especially Jennie." Kai explained his plan.

"Do as you want Kai. And as Jennie's father, I will do my job also. I'll make sure she won't be back there no matter what. One wrong move from her and that Lalisa Choi is dead."

Angst angst angst. 😪

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