Chapter 53: Downfall

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Jennie's POV

My parents were already gone the moment we went downstairs for breakfast. The head maid told me that they were in a rush this morning since they will be having a meeting at our company and didn't even had the chance to eat their breakfast. Well, it's not new to me, it's always like this but at least I am not alone this time, I am with my Lili, my son, Jisoo and Rosie.

Lisa and I decided to go to the island next week since she have errands to do with regards to their company. She told me that his father is thinking to retire sooner and give Lisa the responsibility of managing their company. She was shocked at first but seeing how hopeful her father was, she can't do anything but to accept it. She's willing to learn everything about the company and how to be a good leader for it. It's the least that she can gave back to his father after helping her to be with me again. And according to her, it is also an opportunity to prove to my parents that she is worth it for having me. Well, she's always worth it no matter what her financial status is, I really don't care if we don't have enough money, just being by her side is already making me feel rich. We can always work together if she wants but she said that it's the best thing to do, she wants to give me the best things in life along with our SungJae but not by abusing her father's money but by working hard for it.

I really love how kind and genuine Lisa is. Choosing her is always the most right thing that I did. She's not only perfectly beautiful/handsome but she has a heart of gold.
"Baby, are you ready?" Lisa asked me, we are on our way to the jail to visit Kai. We leave our son again with Jisoo and Rosie but this time, they went to Jisoo's office.

We need to ask Kai about the bodies of SungJae's parents and I am about to slap on his face the thing I have prepared for him.

I looked at Lisa and gave her an assuring smile,"I am more than ready because you are with me love." I replied.

She held my hand and caressed it, "I hope I can control myself not to kill him after all of what he did." she said sternly.

I flipped my hand that she was caressing and intertwined our fingers, I lifted it up to my mouth and kissed the top of her hand softly. "I'll be with you. I'll help you killing him if you want to." I jokingly said that made her laugh.

"Silly." she stated while pulling me closer to her body and embracing me warmly.
We reached the police station in no time, the police needs Lisa first to sign some papers since it's her first time to visit a prisoner.

I asked her to let me go in first and talked to Kai first and just let her follow after she's done signing. I also asked some favor to the head police that I wanted to talk with Kai and his security who's in charge of managing the village in Jeju which he gladly let me.

I entered the small room for visiting and I saw Kai and one of his men sitting wearing an orange suit for prisoners and they are handcuffed to avoid physical harm. The police that assisted me to the visiting area left the room after I settled myself in.

Kai lifted his head and smirked after seeing me. I cringe with the eye contact, it made me remember the way he molested me 2 weeks ago. But I shrugged it off, I want to be brave in front of him. I sat on the chair facing him and his security.

"What an honor to see my lovely fiancée visiting me." he cockily uttered.

"I never been your fiancée asshole." I barked at him.

He laughed sarcastically that almost make me slap his face, "So, why are you here my lovely Jennie Kim? Want to finish what we have started the last time?" I swear to God, he's getting into my nerves but I need to calm myself first.

"You're a jerk. You're an evil. You deserve to be in hell. After what you did to me, to the villagers and to Lisa, you deserve to be burned in hell!" I shouted out of anger.

He laughed again, this time in a mocking way. "So, you already know about your little disgusting les baby? Oh no Jennie Kim. If I can't have you, no one will. Especially that fvcking Lalisa Choi." he uttered and this time, I slapped him hard on the face. How dare him insult Lisa.

I was a about to yell at him but Lisa entered the scene."If there is someone who can't have Jennie, it's you Kai. Jennie belongs to me. And always to me." she bitterly spat.

Kai's eyes grew wider and I can't help but to smirk seeing his reaction.

"H-how? You're dead! I made sure you're dead!" he yelled.

Lisa scoffed and faced Kai's security who's stiffened on his spot. "Why don't you ask your loyal NamJoon mister Kim?" the Namjoon guy just let his head down looking at the floor.

"What the hell is this RM?!!! What the hell is this?!!!!" anger is visible on Kai's voice trying to let go from the handcuff but he can't.

"I-I was s-scared that y-you will k-kill me i-if you k-knew that L-lisa escaped f-from us. The bo-bodies you s-saw were n-not Lisa's and her grandmother's. The o-owner of the b-bodies were the vi-villagers who t-tried to me-meddle with us to he-help Lisa." Namjoon uttered stuttering. He might be really terrified to Kai.

I was startled when I heard a loud bang and after a second, I saw Namjoon's body fell out of the chair he was sitting. Lisa punched him hard on the eyes.

"That's not enough for killing two people who did nothing wrong! You don't know how their son is suffering right now because of what you've done!" Lisa shouted while kicking Namjoon's stomach, the latter groaned because of pain. She's very mad.

I stood up to approach her then held her arm to calm her down.

"Jennie please. Let me do this. Just sit. Baby please." she pleaded. I was thinking twice to let her but I think she badly wants to release her anger so I did let her.

After I let go of her arm, she grabbed Kai by the jaw lifting him up from his seat, "And you fvcking animal! This is for the villagers! Especially to SungJae's parents!" she yelled before blowing a hard punch on Kai's stomach. I was taken aback because of the nervousness seeing a different Lisa.

"And this is for attempting to kill me and my grandmother!" now she punched Kai's right cheek. I gulped hard and still looked straight at them. Kai deserved it after all.

"This is for Jennie's father for dragging him down!" Kai's left cheek was targeted that made him spit some blood. Kai can't utter even a single word because Lisa won't let him.

Lisa pushed Kai's body harshly making him fell on the ground. She kicked Kai's crotch hardly that made the man cry in pain and lost his consciousness after,"And that's for laying your filthy hands to my girlfriend!" she weakly yelled.

Lisa cried hard after beating the hell out of Kai. She even knelt to the ground while weeping hard. I ran towards her. I knelt with her to reached her face and cupped it, I kissed her lips quickly and put her head on my chest.

"It's okay baby. You're fine.." I whispered while rubbing her back making her cry even more. I know that she's just releasing all the frustrations inside her.
I let Lisa sit on the chair outside the visiting room while the police assisted Namjoon and Kai to the clinic to treat their wounds. Namjoon only had a bruised left eye while Kai's face wasn't recognizable after Lisa hit him all over the face.

The police nagged at Lisa because it is wrong to beat prisoners in jail but Lisa was too exhausted to listen. She just shrugged it and bowed her head.

I gave the papers that my lawyer created composing all the things Kai did to the village and to the villagers which were clearly against the law. After all the things he had done, from the illegal businesses to killing people, he deserved to be on jail forever. And that's what I prepared for him, I will pushed it to the court and fight for his lifetime imprisonment.

He deserved it. He should taste the bitterness of his downfall.


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