Chapter 62: Fishing

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Lisa's POV

"Yah! Lisayaaa!" Jennie shouted when I splashed water into her face.

"That's for making me frustrated earlier little evil mandu!" I shouted while running away from her.

We are on the beach waiting for Seulgi and my friends, actually, it's Seulgi's idea to go for fishing since our friends arrived last night, but it was already late so they didn't had the chance to meet me.

"Wait for me Lisa! I'll strangle you to death!" she yelled but I run faster to SungJae's spot.

"Lalisa Manoban! Stop making fun of my mommy!" SungJae warned me and it made my eyes widen, did he just called me by my name?

"What did you just said little mister?" I asked him with an authoritative voice.

He looks up at me and glared sharply trying to scare me, "Yah! If you think you look like a lion, well, no! You look like a kitten just like your mom. And I am not scared of you. Now, who told you to call your daddy like that?" I asked him while crossing my arms.

"Why? Mommy calls you like that every time she's mad at you! And I am mad at you right now for making fun out of my mommy!" he argued.

"Yah! But mommy is different. Babies are not allowed to call their mom and dad by their names SungJae.. That's bad." I tried to explain to him when I felt someone smack my head, and who would that be? Of course, the great Jennie Kim.

"Why are you scolding my baby boy?" she asked me while raising her right eyebrow.

"He just called me Lalisa Manoban because according to him his mad at me and if you are mad, you always call me like that. He's copying you Jennie." I complained while pouting.

Jennie looked at SungJae who is bowing his head. She carried our son and make him face and stare at her.

"Is it true baby? You just called daddy by her name?" She asked calmly while rubbing SungJae's back. The little boy just nodded.

"You can't call daddy like that baby.. You should always respect her. Call her Daddy Monkey." Jennie said then look at me while making a face.

"Daddy monkey! I like that.. Daddy monkey!" SungJae squealed in delight.

"Yaaaaah! Now, you are making fun of me, huh? SungJae Manoban! You're going to regret this, I won't buy toys for you anymore.. And you Jennie Kim, you.." I didn't finished my sentence when Jennie cut me off.

"What Lisa? What?" she uttered while sending me a "try to say one wrong word and you're dead" look.

I gulped and ate the words I wanted to say, "Nothing.. I love you." I mumbled under my breath. Fvck it. Why am I so whipped?

She smiled in victory, what an evil kitten. "We love you too daddy monkey." she said while winking at me. SungJae giggled at his mommy's playfulness and I just rolled my eyes.

"I wish I have a baby girl so that she can stand up for me and fight both of these evil kittens in front of me." I whispered on my own.

I hope that Jennie and I will have a baby girl if ever the process we will undergo will be successful.

"Lisaaaa! Jennie!" thanks God, they already arrived. I smiled seeing Seulgi and our friends running towards me and Jennie. They look like kids who are excited to meet their parents after school.

"Lisayaaaah!" Joy squealed and jump right into me making me catch her with an embrace.

"Fvck you! You made us all worried!" It's now Wendy, she slap my arm but hug me after with Joy in between us.

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