Chapter 11: Burning (M)

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(!) If you feel uncomfortable about smut please skip this chapter. Thank you!

Jennie's POV

"Mmm, Lisa." I felt so hot though it's raining hard outside.

Lisa's hand is wandering all across my body. Her touches were like illegal drugs that make me high and feel crazy.

She reached the hem of my sweatshirt and about to pull it off but she looked at me and asked," Can I?" I just nodded.

Yes Lisa! You can. It would be an honor.

She slowly took my sweatshirt off me and without a blink she unhooked the lock of my bra revealing my round mounds. She stared at them intently and I can see lust and desire in her flaming eyes.

I feel the heat rushed over my cheeks. I covered my face with my palms because of the shyness. God! Being half naked in front of Lisa is another level of excitement and experience.

"No Nini. Don't. You are beautiful. Oh God, you're stunning." she said taking my hands off my face.

She's looking at me with her darkened brown orbs, sexy! She leaned into me and kissed me passionately. I moved my hands to the hem of her shirt and undressed her which she gladly let me. Now, she's left with only a sports bra and sweatpants.

I traced her toned abs with my fingers, I can feel heated just by touching her like this. She turned me on in a way no one else could ever did.

Her kisses became sloppy and now going from my jawline down to my neck where my weak spot was located.

"Oh God Lisa." I moaned her name when she massaged my breast sensually and pinched my nipple making it erected.

She kissed between the valley of my mounds and sucked it hard leaving a mark on it.

I'm burning under her touches and I know that she feels the same. I can't hold it anymore. I need her.

I groped her hair pushing her head hard against my chest where she was sucking in, "Mmm. Lili, please. Take me." I bursted. I can feel the tingling sensation between my legs. It's so sharp and makes me feel so needy.

As if a magic word, she stopped and looked at me with fire in her eyes, "Are you sure Nini?" she asked.

I bit my lower lip and nodded eagerly. "Yes, I want you Lisa. I want you now."

She kissed me again harshly and I reciprocated it with the same amount of lust and desire. She slipped her tongue out and used it tracing my jawline down to my neck to my breast's valley and stopped at my lower abdomen. She inhaled deeply taking all my skin's scent, "You smell sweet Jennie."

Oh shit! What a professional! Now I wonder how many girls did she already touched like this.

My thoughts disappeared when she slid my pants down leaving me with only an underwear. She kissed my inside thighs which made me moaned louder," Mmmm Lisa! Ugh! Please. I need you." I said in a hoarse voice.

Without a word she gritted my panty between her teeth and pull it down in a very sensual way. I can feel my sex soaking.

Her head between my legs is an art. A very mesmerizing art.
Lisa's POV

"Mmm! Lisa! Yes!" Jennie shouted when I begun to lick her clit. She was already wet. Very wet. I'm glad that the rain was hard, granda won't hear her moans and shouts.

"Mmm. You're delicious Nini. So sweet." as I deepened my tongue inside her. She arched her back, groped my hair and started grinding against me. Yes Nini! That's it! Ride my tongue real good!

I can taste the precum dripping off her throbbing sex.

"Mmm. Lisa! Pleaaase." she begged.

"Very impatient Nini. Mmm." I responded.

I stopped licking her wet sex and let her suck my finger.

"Mmm." she moaned and didn't complained.

I love her moans especially how she cried my name in pleasure.

I withdrawn my finger off her mouth and put it on the entrance of her dripping sex. I thrust it inside and I heard her whimpered in pain, "Oh God! Nini! I'm sorry! I didn't know." she's a freakin' virgin for Pete's sake!

"No, no. Don't stop Lis. Please. Just go slowly." she begged.

"Nini, are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." she looked straight at me and nodded.

"I'll be gentle. I promise." I said kissing her passionately.

I pushed my finger again back to her womanhood slowly not wanting to hurt her.

"You're so tight Jennie."

I felt her himen tore apart and with that for sure we will be waking up tomorrow with blood on the sheets.

"Ugh! Lisaaaa." she cried in pain and in pleasure.

I felt her body adjusting to the sensation and now she is slowly thrusting her hips back and forth my finger.

"Yeah. That's it Nini, ride my finger." My goodness! She's driving me insane! I'm feeling my center throbbing and being wet right now.

"Faster Lis! Mmm. Faster!" she shouted.

That's my que, I pushed my finger harder and even added another one.

She pulled my hair aggressively that made me more aroused. I increased my pace and all I can hear we're loud moans and cursing. I felt her walls tightens, she is near.

"I'm cumming Lis. I'm cumming. Don't dare to stop!" shit! Her words made me wet even more and cum without even her touching me.

"Cum on my fingers Nini."

After a couple of minutes, she finally cummed and I lean forward to her soaking center and licked it clean tasting her sweetness.

"Oh God. That was heaven." she said while panting hard. I just chuckled and laid beside her.

She tried to pin me down under her but I quickly blocked her and wrapped my arms around her, she looked at me confused.

"Let me give you back the pleasure Lili." she said.

"Next time Nini. I know I tired you. We have a lot of time for it. Now, sleep." I said and kissed her lips lovingly.

"Mmmkay." she said while smiling between our kisses.

"Thank you Lili. That was breathtaking. You're awesome." she continued.

"You too Nini. You're beautiful. I can't get enough of you. I said pecking her lips one last time.

Oh my God Jennie! I can't believe I had you first. Am I really worthy for this?

"Good night Lili." she said in a sleepy voice.

"Good night Nini."

We laid under the thick blanket after we put our clothes on. Though we can't feel the cold anymore, just the flames of our bodies that were burning our skins. What a great night indeed.


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